Hay Festival Arequipa 2023 – Hay Festival Joven Peru

Hay Festival Arequipa 2023 was held November 9-12, with 109 activities with 145 guests from 15 countries. We will offer 17 talks and workshops for students at the Hay Joven programme and 7 events for children at Hay Festivalito.

Hay Forum Moquegua took place on 8 November with four activities on education and current affairs.

Events are available at Hay Festival Anytime.

Hay Joven is the Hay Festival branch exclusively aimed at the University community, thanks to the joint work with universities in Arequipa. All events are free to enter, until full capacity.
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Event HJ1

BBC Mundo journalism workshop

With Alejandro Millán and Juan Carlos Pérez

Universidad Continental, Auditorio
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Two journalists at one of the world’s most important and prestigious media organisations will give this workshop for university students. Alejandro Millán and Juan Carlos Pérez, members of the BBC Mundo team, will explain the working model of the Spanish-language operations of this British news service which has been running for over a hundred years and is renowned for its news rigor and quality, talking about how it broadcasts its news and content in this digital era.

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BBC Mundo journalism workshop

Event HJ2

Adriana Roca and Karina Villalba

Sowing knowledge. The experience of the Pichoncito publishing house

Teatro Arequepay
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Textbooks play a crucial role in children’s development by helping them to understand the world around them and stimulating their innate curiosity. Since 2018, Pichoncito publishers (Peru) has been planting in children a love of books, stories and the cultural heritage of Peru, through books, toys, experiences and audio-visual content of the highest quality. In these years, they have published over 75,000 copies of around thirty children’s titles. Together with those who have guided this successful publishing project, we will explore the fascinating world of creating textbooks for children and we will discover how we can inspire children to love learning from an early age. This event is aimed at parents, educators, librarians and anybody interested in promoting an interest in reading and knowledge among young people. By Adriana Roca and Karina Villalba.
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Adriana Roca and Karina Villalba

Event HJ3

Marta Peirano in conversation with Ricardo Grundy

Technology and power

Universidad Católica de Santa María - Campus Umacollo
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Marta Peirano is the author of the books El rival de Prometeo: Vidas de Autómatas Ilustres, El pequeño libro rojo del activista en la red, El enemigo conoce el sistema and Contra el futuro. The last of these was written to help us face the climate crisis with citizen action tools that challenge what the author calls “climate feudalism”. Marta Peirano was involved in founding the Culture sections of ADN and eldiario.es, has been a director of the Copyfight initiative, and is co-founder of the Hacks/Hackers Berlin and Cryptoparty Berlin groups. Her TED talk ¿Por qué me vigilan, si no soy nadie? has been seen over four million times on YouTube. At this event, we will discuss technological sovereignty, democracy, the environment and what the future will bring. She will talk with Ricardo Grundy, Director of the School of Political Science and Government at UCSM.
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Marta Peirano in conversation with Ricardo Grundy

Event HJ4

Martín Ibarrola in conversation with Daniel Mitma

Exploring a threatened territory

Universidad Continental, Auditorio
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Martín Ibarrola (Spain) will talk about his travel book, La selva herida, which was written after a journey on which he accompanied the Basque explorer Miguel Gutiérrez on an expedition through Peru, Bolivia and Brazil. During the journey, Ibarrola documented the many people who make up daily life in the Amazon region, from a biochemist who measures the pollution levels of rivers, to indigenous communities who fight against the lobbies, and even a group of miners whose dream is to form a band one day. The author will share with the audience these stories and will talk about the dangers facing the Madre de Dios rainforest. In conversation with Daniel Mitma.

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Martín Ibarrola in conversation with Daniel Mitma

Event HJ5

Laura Alcoba in conversation with Teresina Muñoz-Nájar

Seeking meaning in the incomprehensible

Teatro Arequepay
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The acclaimed author of the Trilogía de la casa de los conejos presents her latest novel, a moving story based on real events. For A través del bosque, Laura Alcoba (Argentina-France) investigated the infanticide committed in 1984 by an Argentinean woman exiled in France, taking us into the minds of the survivors of that tragedy more than 30 years afterwards. At this event, Alcoba will talk about the process of creating the novel and the ways in which literature can give meaning and closure to the incomprehensible. In conversation with Teresina Muñoz-Nájar.

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Laura Alcoba in conversation with Teresina Muñoz-Nájar

Event HJ6

Sabrina Duque in conversación with Jorge Jaime Valdez

Travelling through life

Universidad Continental, Auditorio
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Journalist, essayist and translator. Sabrina Duque won the Michael Jacobs Travel Writing Scholarship in 2018 and has been a finalist for the Gabriel García Márquez Prize for Journalism. In 2017 she published Lama (Turbina), a chronicle about the lives of the survivors of Bento Rodrigues and Paracatú de Baixo, towns in the interior of Brazil buried by toxic mud that overflowed from a mining waste dam. In 2019, she published VolcáNica (Debate), which covers both the volcanic nature of Nicaragua and its shocks, explosions and political flare-ups, regarding the protests of April 2018, which gave way to intense repression in the country. Her latest book, Necesito saber hoy de tu vida, a collection of profiles written in Portugal and Brazil, was published in 2023 by Anagrama. Excerpts from it have been translated into Portuguese, Italian and English. She has published in Etiqueta Negra, Folha de S. Paulo (Brazil), O Estado de S. Paulo (Brazil), Internazionale (Italy), The New York Times (USA), GK (Ecuador), El Malpensante (Colombia), Gatopardo (Mexico) and Brecha (Uruguay). She has lived in Portugal, Brazil, and Nicaragua, but currently resides in the United States.. In conversation with Jorge Jaime Valdez.

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Sabrina Duque in conversación with Jorge Jaime Valdez

Event HJ7

Marta Jiménez Serrano in conversation with Willard Díaz

Love in the time of Tinder

Universidad Católica Santa María - Instituto Confucio
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Marta Jiménez Serrano (Spain) has a degree in Hispanic Philology and a Master’s in Literary Studies. Author of a poetry book, a novel and a collection of short stories, she has contributed to various literary magazines and given workshops in creative writing. Her latest book, No todo el mundo (2023), contains a number of stories that together offer a kaleidoscopic, bitter-sweet and entertaining perspective of love in our times. In conversation with Willard Díaz.
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Marta Jiménez Serrano in conversation with Willard Díaz

Event HJ8

BBC Mundo journalism workshop

With Alejandro Millán and Juan Carlos Pérez

Universidad Católica de Santa María - Instituto Confucio
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Two journalists at one of the world’s most important and prestigious media organisations will give this workshop for university students. Alejandro Millán and Juan Carlos Pérez, members of the BBC Mundo team, will explain the working model of the Spanish-language operations of this British news service which has been running for over a hundred years and is renowned for its news rigor and quality, talking about how it broadcasts its news and content in this digital era.
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BBC Mundo journalism workshop

Event HJ9

Creative writing workshop with Dolores Reyes

Universidad Continental, Aula 803
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Four years after her successful debut, Cometierra, Dolores Reyes returns with her new novel, Miseria. This book continues the adventures of her heroine, Cometierra, who has the gift of knowing the location of dead or disappeared people just by putting a handful of earth in her mouth. At this event, this outstanding new writer and revelation of Argentinean literature offers a creative writing workshop.
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Creative writing workshop with Dolores Reyes

Event HJ10

Mariela Noles Cotito

Peru, probably

Teatro Arequepay
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Mariela Noles Cotito lectures in Politics, Discrimination and Public Policy at the University of the Pacific. She has Master’s degrees in Law, Latin American Studies and Politics, and she carries out research into the themes of human rights, gender equality, non-discrimination and the analysis of public policies related to inclusion. Her most recent book is Reflexiones sobre el Perú: Más allá del bicentenario, a text that covers matters usually brushed aside in political analysis and which presents a diverse, inclusive and respectful view of our country. Mariela Noles Cotito offers this activity in order to imagine, together, Peru.
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Mariela Noles Cotito

Event HJ11

Carmen McEvoy in conversation with César Azabache and Benjamín Carrasco

History, memory and identity

Universidad Católica de Santa María - Campus Umacollo
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Carmen McEvoy, expert in Latin American history, author of the books La república agrietada, Homo politicus and Patrias andinas, patrias citadinas, among others, and the first Peruvian ambassador to Ireland. We will talk to Carmen about her most recent works, including her latest book, Funerales republicanos en las Américas: Tradición, ritual y nación 1832-1896. In conversation with lawyer and broadcaster César Azabache and Dr. Benjamín Carrasco.
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Carmen McEvoy in conversation with César Azabache and Benjamín Carrasco

Event HJ13

Miguel Bonnefoy in conversation with Ingrid Bejerman

Being bilingual and mixed identity

Teatro Arequepay
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Son of a Chilean novelist and a Venezuelan diplomat, Miguel Bonnefoy was born in Paris and grew up between France, Venezuela and Portugal. Although he decided to write in French, much of his work explores matters such as immigration, being disconnected from your roots, and the character and history of Venezuela. Based on his own experience, at this event Miguel Bonnefoy will talk about the influence of language on the perception of identity, and how a mixture of cultures can enrich one’s individuality. A unique opportunity to reflect on the relationship between language, culture and identity. In conversation with Ingrid Bejerman.

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Miguel Bonnefoy in conversation with Ingrid Bejerman

Event HJ14

Marie Arana in conversation with Daniel Mitma

Under the skin of Latin America

Universidad Continental, Auditorio
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La plata, la espada y la piedra is a book that invites us to discover and understand the intricate layers of Latin American history, weaving together the biographies of three contemporary Latin Americans with a thousand years of vibrant history. At this event, the writer Marie Arana (Peru/United States) offers us a look at the lives of Leonor Gonzáles, Carlos Buergos and Xavier Albó in order to talk about the exploitation of the land, cycles of violence and the complex legacy of the Catholic Church. A conversation that will deal with the region’s many and profound wounds, and also reflect on its resilience and its potential to forge a fairer and more equitable future. En conversación con Daniel Mitma.
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Marie Arana in conversation with Daniel Mitma

Event HJ15

Brigitte Baptiste in conversation with Paola Donaire

On our biological heritage

Teatro Arequepay
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Brigitte Baptiste is one of Colombia’s most eminent scientists, an expert in matters related to the environment and biodiversity. She is a Biology graduate from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, has a Master’s degree in Tropical Development and Conservation, and a doctorate in Environmental Management from the Instituto Universitario de la Paz. She was General Manager of the Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resource Research Institute and is now the Rector of EAN University. She will talk at the Hay Joven about the biological riches of our countries, the importance of protecting them, and what actions to take in order to do this. In conversation with Paola Donaire.

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Brigitte Baptiste in conversation with Paola Donaire

Event HJ16

Workshop with Enrique Planas

Universidad Católica de Santa María - Instituto Confucio
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Enrique Planas is a cultural journalist and has written several novels. He has been working for El Comercio since 2001 and he writes a weekly column for this newspaper. The Guadalajara International Book Fair named him one of the 25 best kept secrets of Latin American literature. At this event he offers a masterclass on the profession of journalist, thinking about the challenges of advantages of being in the trade.
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Workshop with Enrique Planas

Event HJ17

Josefa Sánchez and Alberto Matarán in conversation with José Luis Ramos Salinas

Our land, our life

Teatro Arequepay
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The sociologist and researcher Josefa Sánchez Contreras belongs to the Zoque people of Chimalapas in Mexico. As a researcher, she writes about territorial defence, indigenous rights, the history of rebellions and colonialisms, and is the co-author of the book Colonialismo energético. As an activist she is a part of the Matza Collective, a group of young Zoques, which works to defend the rivers of the Chimalapas forests from extractive opencast mining megaprojects.
In conversation with Alberto Matarán and José Luis Ramos Salinas.

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Josefa Sánchez and Alberto Matarán in conversation with José Luis Ramos Salinas

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Fundación BBVA Continental

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Arequipa Gobierno Regional

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Ford Foundation