Hay Festival Cartagena 2024

Hay Festival Cartagena de Indias 2024 was held from 25 to 28 January. In this page you can find the events in the general programme as well as Hay Joven activities for university audiences, Hay Comunitario sessions which took place in different areas of Cartagena, Reading Clubs and Talento Editorial.

Events video and audio is available on Hay Festival Anytime.

Event 42

Alfonso Múnera in conversation with Raúl Román

The shared Caribbean, the shared Pacific. The history of the sea and ocean between Colombia and Panama

 Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (Salón del Rey)
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The Cartagena native Alfonso Múnera (Colombia) is a Doctor in Latin American and Caribbean History from the University of Connecticut; he has been Colombian Ambassador in Jamaica and in Trinidad and Tobago, as well as General Secretary of the Association of Caribbean States. He has written three essential works for understanding Colombian history: El fracaso de la nación, Fronteras imaginadas and La independencia de Colombia: olvidos y ficciones. He will talk about his work with Raúl Román.

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Alfonso Múnera in conversation with Raúl Román

Event HC15

Elisa Guerra

How to develop the potential of all children

 Corporación Ruleli
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Elisa Guerra (México) has a Master’s in Education from the University of Harvard and for over 20 years she has been the voluntary Director for Latin America of The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential, an international non-profit organization that works with the parents of neurodiverse children. This talk aims to offer a look at child brain development and explore how parents can become the most influential teachers and therapists for their own children.
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Elisa Guerra

Event HC16

José Andrés Gómez

 Biblioteca Pública de Clemencia
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José Andrés Gómez loves horror films. He studied Biology, then Audiovisual Communication and then baking. He collects strange comics and board games. Some of his books are Los cuadernos del doctor Calamar; Marsálida: guía turística para el visitante indefenso and Índigo no puede salir de vacaciones. He likes to mix everything and learned to use pens and dice at the same time, creating stories by playing, almost without meaning to.
Ages 12 and over
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José Andrés Gómez

Event CL3

Book club: Gilmer Mesa in conversation with Ana María Aponte

 Casa Hay (Centro de Convenciones)
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Our book clubs are intimate events with guests selected from the Hay Festival programme. These small-scale events will be a chance to talk in depth about the most recent work published by those invited. At this event, Gilmer Mesa (Colombia) will talk to Ana María Aponte about the book Aranjuez, a work set in the neighbourhood of the same name in Medellin, the site of some of the most difficult moments in the city’s recent history.

The book should be read before attending.
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Book club: Gilmer Mesa in conversation with Ana María Aponte

Event HC17

Velia Vidal

 Biblioteca Popular de Playa Blanca
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In 2022, the writer, cultural manager and reading promotor Velia Vidal was named as one of the world’s 100 most influential women by the BBC. This Colombian from Chocó is the founder and Director of the Motete Cultural and Educational Corporation which works to promote reading and culture in her region. With her first book, Aguas de estuario, the author tells of her personal return to her homeland to dedicate her life to offering reading support and cultural management, how the tensions between the centre and the periphery in a country like Colombia have defined much of this journey, and her struggle to dissolve these divisions. Her most recent publication, Para vernos mejor, is a reflection on representation in children’s literature, which questions a system that continues to privilege hegemonic discourses. The author proposes, with experiences and examples, a way of building more diverse role models.
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Velia Vidal

Event HC18

Pilar Lozano

 Institución Educativa Técnica de La Boquilla - Sede Principal
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The radio, press and television journalist, writer of children’s literature and reading promotor, Pilar Lozano, is the author of almost 20 books exploring the country’s richness and diversity. Her stories also deal with the most painful sides of our recent history. Some of her books are La historia, los viajes y la abuela; Colombia, mi abuelo y yo; La estrella que le perdió el miedo a la noche and Historias de un país invisible.
Ages 8 to 12
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Pilar Lozano

Event 43

Geoff Dyer in conversation with Fernando Gómez

The Last Days of Roger Federer

 Centro de Convenciones (Salón Barahona)
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What happens when great artists and athletes get to the end of their careers? In The Last Days of Roger Federer, in his characteristic style, Geoff Dyer portrays figures as different as Bob Dylan, Friedrich Nietzsche and Boris Becker, offering a lucid reflection on success and decadence. Through anecdotes and history, the author shows us the last days of these geniuses, demonstrating that it is possible to find meaning in the finite, and to continue to reinvent ourselves long after youth has ended. In conversation with the journalist Fernando Gómez.

Simultaneous translation from English to Spanish available

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Geoff Dyer in conversation with Fernando Gómez

Event 44

Tsitsi Dangarembga, Mauricio García Villegas, Mariana Mazzucato and Rebecca Solnit in conversation with Juan Carlos Flórez

How to live differently

 Centro de Convenciones (Auditorio Getsemaní)
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Juan Carlos Flórez will chair a very interesting conversation about proposals for changes, and adjustments in our lifestyles that can make a difference in the search for a more just, sustainable and plural society, with some marvellous guests: Mauricio García Villegas (Colombia), Mariana Mazzucato (USA/Italy/UK), Rebecca Solnit (United States) and Tsitsi Dangarembga (Zimbabwe).

Simultaneous translation from English to Spanish available

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Tsitsi Dangarembga, Mauricio García Villegas, Mariana Mazzucato and Rebecca Solnit in conversation with Juan Carlos Flórez

Event 45

Eliane Brum in conversation with Erna von der Walde

 Teatro Adolfo Mejía
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The award-winning journalist, writer and documentary-maker, Eliane Brum (Brazil), lives and works in Altamira, in the Amazon rainforest. She has received around 40 journalism prizes. She writes for Spain’s El País and is the author of La Amazonia: viaje al centro del mundo (2024), a book that narrates her move from Sao Paulo to Altamira, a city where the construction of one of the world’s largest (and most ecologically devastating) dams is taking place. She writes about the negligence and corruption that is changing the face of the Amazon. In conversation with Erna von der Walde.

Simultaneous translation from Portuguese to Spanish available

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Eliane Brum in conversation with Erna von der Walde

Event 46

Héctor Abad Faciolince in conversation with Ricardo Silva

 Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (patio)
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Héctor Abad Faciolince (Colombia) is one of Colombia’s most acclaimed and loved voices, author of the contemporary classic Oblivion. A Memoir. Winner of various prizes for fiction and for journalism (including the Simón Bolívar Prize), his works have been translated into 15 languages. In 2016 he founded the Colombian independent publishing company Angosta. His latest novel, Salvo mi corazón, todo está bien, is based on true events and tells the story of a priest who is waiting for a heart transplant. He will speak to Ricardo Silva.

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Héctor Abad Faciolince in conversation with Ricardo Silva

Event 47

Gabriela Cabezón Cámara and Gloria Susana Esquivel in conversation with Daniella Sánchez Russo

 Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (Salón del Rey)
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Two writers will talk to Daniella Sánchez Russo about their recent work. With the acclaimed author of The Adventures of China Iron (shortlisted for prestigious awards such as the International Booker and the Médicis), Gabriela Cabezón Cámara (Argentina) returns with the powerful Las niñas del naranjel (2023), about the historical figure Catalina de Erauso, the Nun Alférez, who was born in Spain in the late 16th century and who crossed America dressed as a man. And with Gloria Susana Esquivel (Colombia), writer and podcaster, creator of the popular programme Womansplaining, and author of several books, including the recently published novel Contradeseo (2023), which explores the lives of three young adults who share an apartment. Written with a complex, unsettling prose, the author tells the story of a newly-married couple and a friend who has recently ended a relationship and who stays with the couple in exchange for domestic work.

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Gabriela Cabezón Cámara and Gloria Susana Esquivel in conversation with Daniella Sánchez Russo

Event HJ20

Margarita Rosa de Francisco in conversation with Ricardo Chica Gelis

 Universidad de Cartagena, Claustro de San Agustín (Paraninfo)
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Over the course of four decades, and with 15 years as a columnist, Margarita Rosa de Francisco has become one of the most entertaining and influential personalities in the Colombian media. Her roles in soap operas such as Gallito Ramírez (1986-87) and Café con aroma de mujer (1994-95) made her a star of national television. She has acted in around 20 film and television productions, has contributed to media outlets such as El Tiempo, SoHo, Ellas and El Espectador and has won many prizes, including the Simón Bolívar, TV y Novelas, Macondo and the India Catalina awards in Colombia, as well as the recent Horizon Award at the 2023 Venice Film Festival for Best Actress in the film El Paraiso, directed by the Italian Enrico María Artale. She will talk to Ricardo Chica Gelis about her second book, Margarita va sola (2023), a collection of memories and reflections on matters that range from revealing one’s body and erotic initiation, to her thoughts about God and identity.

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Margarita Rosa de Francisco in conversation with Ricardo Chica Gelis

Event CL4

Book club: Javier Moro in conversation with Margarita Valencia

 Casa Hay (Centro de Convenciones)
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Our book clubs are intimate events with guests selected from the Hay Festival programme. These small-scale events will be a chance to talk in depth about the most recent work published by those invited. At this event, Javier Moro (Spain) will talk to Margarita Valencia about his book Nos quieren muertos. In this rigorous, dramatic book, Moro deals with the life of a figure who is important for an understanding of contemporary Venezuela: Leopoldo López. Upon being jailed in 2014, after leading massive protests against the Maduro government, López became a symbol of the struggle for democracy in the country.

The book should be read before attending.

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Book club: Javier Moro in conversation with Margarita Valencia

Event HC19

Elisa Guerra

 Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (Biblioteca)
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Elisa Guerra (Mexico) has a Master’s in Education from Harvard University. In 2015 she was named Best Educator in Latin America and the Caribbean by the Inter-American Development Bank, and has been on UNESCO’s International Commission on the Futures of Education. At this event she will talk about her latest book, Las voces de los árboles, a work that leads readers through a parallel world in which trees of different species and from places around the world tell us their stories and let us reflect on the damage we are doing to the planet.
From 8 to 12 years old
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Elisa Guerra

Event HC20

Gerardo Meneses

Bashir's last journey

 CDI La Abejita - Membrillal
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Gerardo studied Literature at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional and has written over 20 books. He has received a range of national and international prizes, recently being ‘highly recommended’ by Fundalectura and put on the IBBY List of Honour, Greece (2018). His most recent book, El último viaje de Bashir (Bashir's last journey) tells the story of Isaac, a thirteen-year-old boy who wants to be like Bashir the magician, who comes to his town with the circus once a year. Yet to be a magician, Isaac will have to leave his town and his family, and try new and unexpected things in order to enter into the world of magic… A story about the transition from childhood to adolescence.

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Gerardo Meneses

Event HC21

Valentina Toro

The imaginary children

 Corporación Ruleli
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Valentina Toro studied Graphic Design and later did a Master’s degree in Creative Writing. She is the author and illustrator of eight books, a number of which have been shortlisted for international prizes. Valentina is interested in stories about ghosts, animals, magic and supernatural beings. In her latest book, Los niños imaginarios (The imaginary children), she deals with matters including the family and mourning. It tells the story of Lorenzo, who, after the death of his father, moves with his family to a house near a forest, one that his grandmother says is full of monsters. One day, guided by a dog, the child enters the wood and starts to discover all kinds of mysteries.
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Valentina Toro

Event 48

Brigitte Baptiste, Eliane Brum, Philippe Sands and Rebecca Solnit in conversation with Inés Santaeulalia

Ecocide and the struggle to save biodiversity

 Centro de Convenciones (Auditorio Getsemaní)
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Four experts from different fields will talk to Inés Santaeulalia about the urgency of preserving the planet’s biological diversity. Brigitte Baptiste (Colombia) is one of Colombia’s most eminent scientists, and is an expert in matters of the environment and biodiversity. Eliane Brum (Brazil), is a Brazilian journalist and author of La Amazonia: viaje al centro del mundo (2024); Philippe Sands (France/UK), a distinguished human rights lawyer, is currently working to create international legislation against ecocide; Rebecca Solnit (United States) has received a prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship and a National Book Critics’ Circle Award and is the wide-ranging author of over 20 books. Her most recent title is Whose Story Is This?.

Simultaneous translation from English to Spanish available

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Brigitte Baptiste, Eliane Brum, Philippe Sands and Rebecca Solnit in conversation with Inés Santaeulalia

Event 49

Lecture by Anil Seth

 Centro de Convenciones (Salón Barahona)
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Anil Seth is a British scientist who works in research into the biology of consciousness. He a Professor of Neuroscience at the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom, and is Co-director of the Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science, and the Brain, Mind and Consciousness programme run by the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. His most recent publication is Being You (2021), an impressive work of non-fiction that deals with the mental construction that we identify as “ourselves”, starting with the biological basis of neuronal fabric and its functions, motivated by that great mystery which modern science is seeking to resolve: what is consciousness and where does it come from?

Anil Seth will participate in this event digitally.

Simultaneous translation from English to Spanish available

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Lecture by Anil Seth

Event 50

Tina Brown in conversation with Kirsty Lang

 Teatro Adolfo Mejía
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The award-winning journalist, writer and publisher Tina Brown (UK) has a long career in the British and American media. Between 1970 and 2001 she was Editor-in-Chief of Tatler, Vanity Fair and The New Yorker. In the year 2000 she was given the title of Commander of the Order of the British Empire. In 2009 she founded the Women of the World initiative, a summit held in New York, London, Toronto, Dubai and New Delhi and involving women leaders, CEOs, global activists and celebrities including Hilary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey and the Nobel prizewinners Leymah Gbowee and Nadia Murad. Brown is also the author of the Vanity Fair Diaries and the bestseller The Palace Papers, an incisive investigation that takes us inside Buckingham Palace, revealing stories that help us to understand the British royal family as never before. She will talk to Kirsty Lang.

Simultaneous translation from English to Spanish available

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Tina Brown in conversation with Kirsty Lang

Event 51

Gilmer Mesa and Ricardo Silva in conversation with Ana Bejarano

 Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (patio)
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Two writers represent the complexity of the Colombian reality in their work. Ricardo Silva, one of the country’s most read authors, presents El libro del duelo, which takes the true story of Raúl Carvajal, a father who spent years seeking justice in the case of his son, an army corporal who was killed for refusing to participate in illegal executions. Gilmer Mesa, author of La cuadra and Las travesías, presents Aranjuez, a work set in the neighbourhood of the same name in Medellin, the site of some of the most difficult moments in the city’s recent history. In conversation with Ana Bejarano.
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Gilmer Mesa and Ricardo Silva in conversation with Ana Bejarano

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