Media accreditation

*Instructions for Accreditation to the Hay Festival in Colombia 2024*

1) Accreditation will be open from Wednesday, November 15, 2023, until Friday, January 12, 2024.

2) To get accredited, go to the following link. It is essential to specify in the accreditation process which festival you wish to attend (Jericó, Medellín, and/or Cartagena).

3) For Cartagena, access to the Hay Festival talks will be limited. Each journalist must indicate in the form up to 10 talks to reserve the ticket. Press credentials will not grant access to the Hay Festival talks, and entry will only be allowed with tickets. For more details on the talks, you can check our program. Tickets will be subject to availability.

4) Camerapersons will be allowed to enter the talks to record and cannot remain in each venue for more than 15 minutes. Cameraperson access will be with a list, and a media ID must be presented.

5) From January 15, the accreditation confirmation will be sent. This process may take a few days. Once the process is complete, you will receive a confirmation email.

6) A maximum of two journalists and two photographers will be accepted per media outlet. In the case of television or the web, two production teams will be accepted.

7) Priority will be given to pre-requested interviews, considering the availability of the guests. If there is interest in new interviews or emerging topics, feel free to contact the press team, which will be available during the Festival days in the press room or through our email addresses.

Nicolás Cuéllar:
Sara Araújo:


Fontur Colombia
Colombia el Pais de la Belleza