Hay Festival Cartagena 2024

Hay Festival Cartagena de Indias 2024 was held from 25 to 28 January. In this page you can find the events in the general programme as well as Hay Joven activities for university audiences, Hay Comunitario sessions which took place in different areas of Cartagena, Reading Clubs and Talento Editorial.

Events video and audio is available on Hay Festival Anytime.

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Event HC6

Rocio Bonilla

 Institución Educativa Felipe Santiago Escobar - Turbaco
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This author and illustrator is the creator of over 50 books, which have been translated into almost 30 languages. She originally studied Fine Art and Education, and for many years worked in advertising. Since 2013, Rocio Bonilla has written and drawn for young people. Some of her illustrated books include ¿De qué color es un beso?, La montaña de libros más alta del mundo and Abuelos, pirañas y otras historias. She is also the creator of the Babymoni series, which is about a girl who discovers the world around her, exploring her emotions and her everyday life.
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Rocio Bonilla

Event HC7

Álvaro Ortiz

 Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (Biblioteca)
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Álvaro Ortiz is a comic illustrator and author, the winner of numerous prizes and the creator of several graphic novels. His latest is written for children and is entitled La pequeña genia y la partida de shatranj. His work deals with matters related to the history of art, the past, travel and remote cultures.
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Álvaro Ortiz

Event 13

Javier Moro in conversation with Moisés Naím

 Centro de Convenciones (Auditorio Getsemaní)
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This celebrated Spanish author will talk to Moisés Naím about his most recent books. Javier Moro, one of the bestselling Spanish-language writers, is also a journalist and has worked as a screenwriter and film producer in Hollywood. His books include Senderos de libertad (1992), El pie de Jaipur (1995), Las montañas de Buda (1997), Five Past Midnight In Bhopal (2001, a work written together with Dominique Lapierre), Passion India, The Red Sari, El imperio eres tú (2011 Planeta Prize) and, more recently Nos quieren muertos, which the author will talk about at this event. This book, which is both an exciting read and a rigorous study, is about a key figure for understanding contemporary Venezuela: Leopoldo López. Upon being jailed in 2014, after leading massive protests against the Maduro government, López became a symbol of the struggle for democracy in the country.

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Javier Moro in conversation with Moisés Naím

Event 14

In Koli Jean Bofane and Adania Shibli in conversation with Jon Lee Anderson

South to South conversations: literature and freedom of expression

 Centro de Convenciones (Salón Barahona)
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The space available for writing should always be a safe place for the artist, but are there external limitations on the imaginations of writers? Jon Lee Anderson will talk to the Congolese writer In Koli Jean Bofane, author of Mathématiques Congolaises, and the Palestinian writer Adania Shibli, author of Minor Detail, about their experiences as creators, their perspective with regard to freedom of expression, and how this has affected their work.

Simultaneous translation from English to Spanish available

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In Koli Jean Bofane and Adania Shibli in conversation with Jon Lee Anderson

Event 15

Andrea Wulf in conversation with Misha Glenny

Magnificent rebels

 Teatro Adolfo Mejía
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The historian Andrea Wulf (UK-Germany), winner of the 2013 Eccles Centre & Hay Festival Writer's Award, will talk about her latest book Magnificent Rebels, in which she delves into history and tells the story of a group of thinkers who, in the small German city of Jena in the 18th century, first expressed some of the concepts that would determine the thought of later centuries. With an engaging style and fascinating anecdotes, Wulf offers a panorama of some of the most important ideas of Romantic philosophy, and how these have affected our perspective of the contemporary subject. In conversation with Misha Glenny.

Simultaneous translation from English to Spanish available

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Andrea Wulf in conversation with Misha Glenny

Event 16

Alana S. Portero in conversation with Gloria Susana Esquivel

 Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (patio)
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Recognised by the Ministry of Equality of Spain for her contribution to making visible trans women, Alana S. Portero is a historian, writer, dramatist, theatre director and LGTBIQ+ activist. Portero will talk about her first novel, La mala costumbre, which tells the moving story of the childhood and teenage years of a girl who grows up in a body that feels strange to her. Set in Madrid in the 1980s and 90s, the text deals with the uneasiness and resentment caused by a society that, unable to accept difference, distorts it. She will talk to Gloria Susana Esquivel.

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Alana S. Portero in conversation with Gloria Susana Esquivel

Event 17

Jorge Comensal and Eduardo Romero García in conversation with Daniella Sánchez Russo

 Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (Salón del Rey)
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Jorge Comensal is the author of Este vacío que hierve (2023), a novel that explores matters such as the malleable nature of space-time, the environmental crisis, family secrets, addiction and fanaticism. In ¿Cómo va a ser la montaña un dios? (2023), Eduardo Romero García tells a powerful story that links the lives of an old man in Asturias, once a miner, with those of some Afro-Colombian women who reach Europe, and a group of Colombian migrants who flee their country and when they reach their destination they find ships that have brought coal from La Guajira, to a Spanish port. In conversation with Daniella Sánchez Russo.
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Jorge Comensal and Eduardo Romero García in conversation with Daniella Sánchez Russo

Event HC8

'Letras al carbón' and other stories by Irene Vasco

Reading of and conversation on some of her books

 Corporación Ruleli
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Irene Vasco has dedicated her life to books and reading. As well as writing, she has also worked in bookselling and as a reading promoter. She is the creator of over 30 books of children’s literature, including Conjuros y sortilegios, Expedición Macondo, Letras al carbón and La independencia de Colombia: así fue.
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'Letras al carbón' and other stories by Irene Vasco

Event HC9

Valentina Toro

The imaginary children

 Salón Comunal de Malagana
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Valentina Toro studied Graphic Design and later did a Master’s degree in Creative Writing. She is the author and illustrator of eight books, a number of which have been shortlisted for international prizes. Valentina is interested in stories about ghosts, animals, magic and supernatural beings. In her latest book, Los niños imaginarios, she deals with matters including the family and mourning. It tells the story of Lorenzo, who, after the death of his father, moves with his family to a house near a forest, one that his grandmother says is full of monsters. One day, guided by a dog, the child enters the wood and starts to discover all kinds of mysteries.
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Valentina Toro

Event HC22

Raúl Ballesteros

 Biblioteca Popular de Playa Blanca
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Artist, historian and creator of the 'Ciudad Parapeto' series, Raúl Ballesteros is the illustrator of the book Alba y el pequeño gran Toto, written by Carolina Cabarcas. On this occasion he will offer an art workshop, one that will help us think about the world around us through creativity.

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Raúl Ballesteros

Event HJ8

Ana Paula Maia y Fernanda Trías en conversación con Willian Malkún Castillejo

Shared truths

 Universidad de Cartagena, Claustro de San Agustín (Aula Máxima de Derecho)
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The Hay Festival and the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) present the anthology Verdades compartidas, a project that reimagines Colombia after the peace process, written by ten Latin American authors. The project presents an inclusive and holistic vision of the peace process, and portrays not only the diversity of the country, but also sets the nation within the Latin American context. Three contributors to the anthology, Ana Paula Maia (Brazil) and Fernanda Trías (Uruguay) will talk about their texts, perspectives and feelings. In conversation with the Rector of Cartagena University, Willian Malkún Castillejo.

Simultaneous translation from Portuguese to Spanish available

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Ana Paula Maia y Fernanda Trías en conversación con Willian Malkún Castillejo

Event CL1

Book club: Jorge Franco in conversation with Ana María Aponte

 Casa Hay (Centro de Convenciones)
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Our book clubs are intimate events with guests selected from the Hay Festival programme. These small-scale events will be a chance to talk in depth about the most recent work published by those invited. At this event, Jorge Franco (Colombia) will talk to Ana María Aponte about his book El vacío en el que flotas. The explosion of a bomb sparks off this story in which a child disappears, and a plot unfolds in three apparently independent narratives, threads which eventually interconnect in an unexpected and dramatic way.

The book should be read before attending.
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Book club: Jorge Franco in conversation with Ana María Aponte

Event TE3

Margarita Valencia and Paula Andrea Marín in conversation with Paco Goyanes

Presentation of the book 'Oficio libros: historias de libreras and libreros de Colombia'

 Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (Salón Mutis)
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Published this year by the Ariel publishing house, Oficio libros is a collection of testimony by 15 Colombian booksellers who love their work and are convinced of their profession’s social and cultural importance. Margarita Valencia and Paula Andrea Marín in conversation with Paco Goyanes.
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Margarita Valencia and Paula Andrea Marín in conversation with Paco Goyanes

Event 18

Juan Gabriel Vásquez in conversation with Ana Bejarano

 Centro de Convenciones (Auditorio Getsemaní)
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The award-winning Colombian writer of both fiction and non-fiction, Juan Gabriel Vásquez, whose bibliography contains 17 books including novels, short stories, essays and poetry published in 30 languages, is one of the country’s most prolific and renowned writers. In his most recent book, La traducción del mundo, Vásquez presents the talks he gave at Oxford University in 2022, when he was invited to give the prestigious Weidenfeld Lectures, a series that has previously featured speakers such as Mario Vargas Llosa, Umberto Eco and Javier Cercas. With his habitual erudition, Vásquez gives his vision of literature, particularly fiction, as the highest tool we have for investigating the vastness and essence of human experience. In conversation with Ana Bejarano.

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Juan Gabriel Vásquez in conversation with Ana Bejarano

Event 19

Philipp Blom in conversation with Misha Glenny

 Centro de Convenciones (Salón Barahona)
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The novelist, historian and translator Philipp Blom, educated in Vienna and Oxford, has published nine books in Spanish, the last of which is El gran teatro del mundo (Das grosse welttheater). In this new long essay Blom examines the idea that is so common nowadays of “the crisis of the present”: feelings of discouragement with the idea of progress, the threats of populism and the ecological collapse, a lack of the momentum the brought enlightened ideas, the urgent need to reinvent ourselves and to find new paradigms. This lucid, perceptive text deals with our past, our present and the possibilities that exist in the future. In conversation with Misha Glenny.

Simultaneous translation from English to Spanish available

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Philipp Blom in conversation with Misha Glenny

Event 20

Tsitsi Dangarembga, In Koli Jean Bofane, Pankaj Mishra and Erna von der Walde in conversation with Juan Esteban Lewin Pinzón

South to South conversations: different ways of seeing the world

 Teatro Adolfo Mejía
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This event will be part of the South to South series, in which the Hay Festival offers a forum for some of the most innovative voices of the global South, in order to share different ways of seeing the world, as well as non-Western solutions to the problems that beset us. The four guests at this event will talk about post-colonialism and ways of seeing the world that challenge the dominant models. With Tsitsi Dangarembga (Zimbabwe), writer and filmmaker; In Koli Jean Bofane (Congo), writer and author of Mathematiques Congolaises; Pankaj Mishra (India), essayist and novelist; and Erna von der Walde (Colombia), writer and academic. In conversation with Juan Esteban Lewin Pinzón.

Simultaneous translation from English to Spanish available

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Tsitsi Dangarembga, In Koli Jean Bofane, Pankaj Mishra and Erna von der Walde in conversation with Juan Esteban Lewin Pinzón

Event 21

Margarita Rosa de Francisco in conversation with Vanessa Rosales

 Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (patio)
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Over the course of four decades, and with 15 years as a columnist, Margarita Rosa de Francisco has become one of the most entertaining and influential personalities in the Colombian media. Her roles in soap operas such as Gallito Ramírez (1986-87) and Café con aroma de mujer (1994-95) made her a star of national television. She has acted in around 20 film and television productions, has contributed to media outlets such as El Tiempo, SoHo, Ellas and El Espectador, and has won many prizes, including the Simón Bolívar, TV y Novelas, Macondo and the India Catalina awards in Colombia, as well as the recent Horizon Award at the 2023 Venice Film Festival for Best Actress in the film El Paraiso, directed by the Italian Enrico María Artale. She will talk to Vanessa Rosales about her second book, Margarita va sola (2023), a collection of memories and reflections on matters that range from revealing one’s body and erotic initiation, to her thoughts about God and identity.

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Margarita Rosa de Francisco in conversation with Vanessa Rosales

Event 22

Lecture by Arnoldo Kraus

Euthanasia and assisted suicide

 Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (Salón del Rey)
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In 2023, given the vast advances that have taken place in medical biotechnology, euthanasia and assisted suicide are issues that deserve to be discussed publically. Arnoldo Kraus (Mexico) is a Professor of Medicine and an expert in bioethics, sometimes called a “student of the soul”. He tackles this difficult and controversial matter, one that requires thinking, and talking to others, about death. He will reflect on concepts such as dignity, autonomy, anticipatory instructions, terminal patients, religious fanaticisms, the limits of life and medicine, biotechnology used suitably, or not… terms that need to be reflected on, both as individuals and as a society and a State. Kraus is the author of titles such as Decir adiós, decirse adiós; Una lectura de la vida; Dolor de uno, dolor de todos; La morada infinita. Entender la vida, pensar la muerte; Recordar a los difuntos; Cuando la muerte se aproxima and Una receta para no morir. Cartas a un joven médico. In his last book, Adiós, Glinka, Kraus writes for children about dealing with the loss of a pet, a creature that for many of us is another member of the family.
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Lecture by Arnoldo Kraus

Event 82

Daniel Fletcher, Rafael Ramos, Velia Vidal and Adriana Sandoval in conversation with Cindy Herrera

Talking about cultural management

 Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (Salón Mutis)
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The writer and cultural manager Cindy Herrera will lead a conversation among four prominent cultural managers who, through different projects, can offer examples of success and models for the industry. With the participation of Daniel Fletcher (Spain), Director of Corporate Innovation and Development at Primavera Sound, a music festival of international renown for its innovative approach and its links with the cities where it runs; Rafael Ramos (Colombia), Director of the Cabildo cultural organisation, which works to train, promote and support the productions of traditional musicians, and of the Mercado Cultural del Caribe; the writer, cultural manager and reading promoter Velia Vidal, named in 2022 as one of the world’s 100 most influential women by the BBC, and founder and Director of the Motete cultural and educational organisation; and Adriana Sandoval, Culture and Press Attacheé at the Embassy of Colombia to the United Kingdom.

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Daniel Fletcher, Rafael Ramos, Velia Vidal and Adriana Sandoval in conversation with Cindy Herrera

Event HJ10

Carlos Manuel Álvarez, Nona Fernández, Natalia García Freire in conversation Pablo Abitbol

Shared truths

 Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar (Sede Manga) - Auditorio Jorge Taua
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The Hay Festival and the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) present the anthology Verdades compartidas, a project that reimagines Colombia after the peace process, written by ten Latin American authors. The project presents an inclusive and holistic vision of the peace process, and portrays not only the diversity of the country, but also sets the nation within the Latin American context. Three contributors to the anthology, Carlos Manuel Álvarez (Cuba), Nona Fernández (Chile) y Natalia García Freire (Ecuador) will talk about their texts, perspectives and feelings. In conversation with Pablo Abitbol.
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Carlos Manuel Álvarez, Nona Fernández, Natalia García Freire in conversation Pablo Abitbol

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