Musician, manager, producer, Director of the Caribbean Cultural Market and Legal Representative of the Cabildo Cultural Corporation, an organisation dedicated to the education, production and promotion of artists in the field of traditional music and new proposals in the area of social justice and peacebuilding. He has extensive experience in national and international cultural management and his experience in the development and circulation of Colombian artists in world music has allowed him to work with, as a musician, producer and manager, a number of artists and groups including Petrona Martínez, Totó la Momposina, Etelvina Maldonado, Grupo Creole de San Andrés Isla, Veteranos del Caribe, La Contundencia, Cholo Valderrama, Tambores de Cabildo, Juglares y Reyes Vallenatos, the Escuela Taller Tambores de Cabildo, Compañía de Danza Corporación Cultural Altabaques, and others.