The last three books by Eduardo Romero (Oviedo, 1977), published by Pepitas de Calabaza, are: Autobiografía de Manuel Martínez (2019), an astonishing chronicle about that generation of social misfits to which Spanish democracy offered a choice: prison or an asylum; En mar abierto (2021), a story in multiple voices of a neighbourhood divided by borders; and ¿Cómo va a ser la montaña un dios? (2022), a round trip through two worlds separated by thousands of kilometres, but interconnected by several threads: coal and mining, capital and its shipping logistics, migration and exile. In addition, Romero has written books criticising immigration policy, published by the Cambalache publishing house, including: Quién invade a quién. Del colonialismo al II Plan África (2011) and Un deseo apasionado de trabajo más barato y servicial. Migraciones, fronteras y capitalismo (2010). He is also the author of the story Naiyiria (2016), illustrated by Amelia Celaya, and a little book about the pandemic, La nueva normalidad (2021).