Hay Festival Cartagena 2023

Welcome to the Hay Festival Cartagena de Indias 2023 programme, to be held from 26 to 29 January. In this page you can find the events in the general programme as well as Hay Joven activities tor university audiences, Hay Comunitario sessions which will take place in different areas of Cartagena, Reading Clubs and Talento Editorial.

The tickets of the general programme and reading clubs are on sale for in person events. If you wish to register to see the live streaming of events, please select the option "Register to watch online" when this option is available. Hay Joven, Hay Comunitario and Talento Editorial are 100% in person and free of charge.

If you have any issues regarding the payment of your tickets, please contact us at tickets@hayfestival.org or at +57 317 516 55 13.

If you are a students a wish to request free tickets, you can write to us at estudiantes@hayfestival.com.

If you have any general questions, you can find us at contacto@hayfestival.org.

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Event HJ1

BBC Mundo journalism workshop

With Carlos Serrano and Ana María Roura

 Universidad de Cartagena, Claustro de San Agustín (Biblioteca)
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Two journalists from one of the world’s most respected media outlets will give this journalism workshop aimed at university students. Carlos Serrano (Colombia) and Ana María Roura (Ecuador), members of the BBC Mundo team, will explain the Spanish-language work model of this British news service, which is over a hundred years old and is renowned for its news rigour and quality. Our guests will talk particularly about broadcasting content creation and managing the social media.

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BBC Mundo journalism workshop

Event HJ2

Dahlia de la Cerda en conversación con Yusly Pérez Llerena

Hideouts, and having one’s own space

 Universidad de Cartagena, Claustro de San Agustín (Biblioteca)
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The author of the essay Feminismo sin cuarto propio (included in the anthology of feminist texts Tsunami 2) and of the outstanding short story collection Perras de reserva (2022), Dahlia de la Cerda (Mexico) returns with Desde los zulos (2023), a book that combines autofiction, journalism and essay to reflect on marginal feminisms, the danger of excluding practices within the social movements, and in which she proposes a more plural and diverse view of feminism. De la Cerda has a degree in Philosophy, was a fellow of the 2015 Aguascalientes Programme for the Stimulation of Artistic Creation and Development and was also a beneficiary of the FONCA Young Artists’ Programme in 2016 and 2018. She is a co-founder and co-director of the Morras Help Morras feminist collective. She will talk to Yusly Pérez Llerena.
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Dahlia de la Cerda en conversación con Yusly Pérez Llerena

Event HJ3

Álvaro Ortiz in conversation with Lisette Urquijo

On graphic novel

 Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar (Sede Manga) - Auditorio Jorge Taua
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Álvaro Ortiz is a comic illustrator and author, the winner of numerous prizes and the creator of several graphic novels. His latest is written for children and is entitled La pequeña genia y la partida de shatranj. His work deals with matters related to the history of art, the past, travel and remote cultures. In conversation with Lisette Urquijo.

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Álvaro Ortiz in conversation with Lisette Urquijo

Event HJ4

Eduardo Romero García in conversation with Esteban Vega Bedoya

 Universidad de Cartagena, Claustro de la Merced (Salón Eréndira)
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In his work, Eduardo Romero García analyses and criticises matters of the foremost importance, such as colonialism, migratory policies and the leftovers of capitalism. In his most recent book, ¿Cómo va a ser la montaña un dios? (2023), he traces the route connecting the Colombian Caribbean coast with the Spanish region of Asturias, in a surprising way, one that is almost invisible to us under normal circumstances: coal mining. Romero García tells a powerful story that links the lives of an old man in Asturias, once a miner, with those of some Afro-Colombian women who reach Europe from the Cauca Valley, and a group of Colombian migrants who flee their country and when they reach their destination they find ships that have brought coal from El Cerrejón, in La Guajira, to a Spanish port. In conversation with Esteban Vega Bedoya.
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Eduardo Romero García in conversation with Esteban Vega Bedoya

Event HJ5

Brindy Cantillo y Martín Murillo en conversación con Carlos Díaz

Community culture management

 Universidad de Cartagena, Claustro de San Agustín (Biblioteca)
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Two guests who manage grassroots educational processes with readers will talk about the achievements and challenges of working with books, stories and children in the Colombian Caribbean. With Brindy Cantillo, who runs La Canoa Literaria, a reading project with an ethno-educational approach in Tierra Baja (Cartagena), and Martín Murillo, the creator of La Carreta Literaria ¡Leamos!. In conversation with Carlos Díaz.
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Brindy Cantillo y Martín Murillo en conversación con Carlos Díaz

Event HJ6

Alana S. Portero in conversation with Mar Márquez

The bad habit

 Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar (Sede Manga) - Auditorio Jorge Taua
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Recognised by the Ministry of Equality of Spain for her contribution to making visible trans women, Alana S. Portero is a historian, writer, dramatist, theatre director and LGTBIQ+ activist. Portero will talk about her first novel, La mala costumbre, which tells the moving story of the childhood and teenage years of a girl who grows up in a body that feels strange to her. Set in Madrid in the 1980s and 90s, the text deals with the uneasiness and resentment caused by a society that, unable to accept difference, distorts it. In conversation with Mar Márquez.
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Alana S. Portero in conversation with Mar Márquez

Event HJ7

Tei Shi: talk and concert in conversation with Federico Ochoa

 Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar (Sede Manga) - Mini explanada Auditorio Jorge Taua
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Tei Shi (Valerie Teicher Barbosa) is a Colombian-Canadian singer and songwriter. Her lyrics, which were initially all in English, have gradually come to terms with her Hispanic roots, the result of the Latin music that was always playing around her; and also due to a particular source of inspiration, which is wishing to set poems written in Spanish to music. Her latest work, Bad Premonition, is composed of six songs that demonstrate how well she has consolidated her artistic personality after ten years of searching and introspection, thus opening a new phase of creative freedom and growth. She will offer a brief concert and will talk about her music career. In conversation with Federico Ochoa.

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Tei Shi: talk and concert in conversation with Federico Ochoa

Event HJ8

Ana Paula Maia y Fernanda Trías en conversación con Willian Malkún Castillejo

Shared truths

 Universidad de Cartagena, Claustro de San Agustín (Aula Máxima de Derecho)
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The Hay Festival and the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) present the anthology Verdades compartidas, a project that reimagines Colombia after the peace process, written by ten Latin American authors. The project presents an inclusive and holistic vision of the peace process, and portrays not only the diversity of the country, but also sets the nation within the Latin American context. Three contributors to the anthology, Ana Paula Maia (Brazil) and Fernanda Trías (Uruguay) will talk about their texts, perspectives and feelings. In conversation with the Rector of Cartagena University, Willian Malkún Castillejo.

Simultaneous translation from Portuguese to Spanish available

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Ana Paula Maia y Fernanda Trías en conversación con Willian Malkún Castillejo

Event HJ10

Carlos Manuel Álvarez, Nona Fernández, Natalia García Freire in conversation Pablo Abitbol

Shared truths

 Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar (Sede Manga) - Auditorio Jorge Taua
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The Hay Festival and the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) present the anthology Verdades compartidas, a project that reimagines Colombia after the peace process, written by ten Latin American authors. The project presents an inclusive and holistic vision of the peace process, and portrays not only the diversity of the country, but also sets the nation within the Latin American context. Three contributors to the anthology, Carlos Manuel Álvarez (Cuba), Nona Fernández (Chile) y Natalia García Freire (Ecuador) will talk about their texts, perspectives and feelings. In conversation with Pablo Abitbol.
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Carlos Manuel Álvarez, Nona Fernández, Natalia García Freire in conversation Pablo Abitbol

Event HJ11

Julio Victoria in conversation with Aroldo Mondol Quintana

 Universidad de Cartagena, Claustro de San Agustín (Biblioteca)
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Julio Victoria is a Colombian music producer and DJ who has worked intensely on his Live project, involving traditional Colombian instruments such as the harp or the marimba in the electronic universe, creating an authentic and innovative music. This interesting experimental mixture that has taken him onto stages in countries such as the US, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Finland, Norway, France, Hungary, Croatia, the UK and Japan. Victoria has also created an interesting social project in which he aims to democratise access to music, allowing it to reach young people in some of Colombia’s most marginal neighbourhoods thanks to educational workshops on electronic arts for the community of Ciudad Bolívar, always collaborating with local artists. He will talk to DJ Mondol.

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Julio Victoria in conversation with Aroldo Mondol Quintana

Event HJ12

Gabriela Cabezón Cámara in conversation with Deiver Juez Correa

 Universidad de Cartagena, Claustro de San Agustín (Biblioteca)
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Gabriela Cabezón Cámara (Argentina), the acclaimed author of The Adventures of China Iron (shortlisted for prestigious awards such as the International Booker and the Médicis) returns with the powerful Las niñas del naranjel (2023), about the historical figure Catalina de Erauso, the Nun Alférez, who was born in Spain in the late 16th century and who crossed America dressed as a man. The novel tells of the destruction of a world with the sword and the cross, of the conquest of a “new world” and recreates a character who defies all the conventions of her times, and even of our own. She will talk to Deiver Juez Correa.
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Gabriela Cabezón Cámara in conversation with Deiver Juez Correa

Event HJ13

Jorge Comensal in conversation with Laura Martínez Salcedo

This boiling vacuum

 Universidad de Cartagena, Claustro de la Merced (Salón Eréndira)
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Jorge Comensal is the author of the novel Las mutaciones (2019) and the essay Yonquis de las letras (2017). He has contributed to media outlets such as Gatopardo, Tierra Adentro, The Literary Review and The Paris Review. He has also edited the Revista de la Universidad de México magazine, been a recipient of the Foundation for Mexican Literature and the National Fund for Culture and the Arts, as well as a resident with the Jan Michalski Foundation. He presents Este vacío que hierve (2023), a novel that explores matters such as the malleable nature of space-time, the environmental crisis, family secrets, addiction and fanaticism. It knits together the stories of Karina, a 25-year old physicist; her alcoholic grandmother Rebeca; the parents of Karina, who died 18 years previously; Silverio, a guard at Mexico City’s biggest cemetery; a cryptic pyromaniac priest; Daenerys, an environmental activist; and the animals at the burning zoo of this story of fauna, mystery and solitude. He will talk to Laura Martínez Salcedo.

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Jorge Comensal in conversation with Laura Martínez Salcedo

Event HJ21

100 years of La vorágine

Juan Cárdenas, Juan Carlos Flórez, Javier Ortiz Cassiani and Erna von der Walde in conversation with Margarita Valencia

 Universidad de Cartagena, Claustro de San Agustín (Paraninfo)
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It has been a century since the publication of one of the landmarks of Colombian and Latin American literature: La vorágine. The novel, written in 1924 by José Eustasio Rivera, tells the story of the two protagonists, Alicia and Arturo, who flee into the Amazon rainforest on a legendary journey that is scarred by the violence of history and the violence of nature. Despite the years that have passed, the condemnation of the problems of the frontier and the exploitation of rubber workers made by Rivera continues to be relevant, making this work a timeless classic that shines as brightly as ever. With Juan Cárdenas, Juan Carlos Flórez, Javier Ortiz Cassiani and Erna von der Walde en conversación con Margarita Valencia.
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100 years of La vorágine

Event HJ9

Masterclass with Jon Lee Anderson

Exploring the world through the travel chronicle

 Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar (sede Manga) - Aula MB 204
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The Gabo Foundation, in alliance with Hay Festival Cartagena de Indias, announces the master class Exploring the World through the travel chronicle, to be held on January 26, 2024, as part of Hay Festival Cartagena at the Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar (Manga venue). The activity will be led by Jon Lee Anderson (United States), writer and journalist, who will offer practical advice and effective techniques for observing, researching and writing about the travel chronicle.

Presented by Javier Ramos.

To participate in the masterclass, please register here
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Masterclass with Jon Lee Anderson

Event HJ14

Irene Solà in conversation with Graciela Franco

 Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar (Sede Manga) - Auditorio Jorge Taua
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Irene Solà (Spain) is the author of the publishing phenomenon When I Sing, Mountains Dance (2019), written in Catalan and translated into over 20 languages, with 15 editions in circulation and winner of the 2019 Cálamo Prize and the 2020 European Prize for Fiction. In her new book, Et vaig donar ulls i vas mirar les tenebres, Solà portrays a world full of witchcraft, ghosts, beasts and demons, and a group of women around the deathbed of the most contemporary of them. Together, they reconstruct over three hundred years of history. In conversation with Graciela Franco.

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Irene Solà in conversation with Graciela Franco

Event HJ15

Juan Gabriel Vásquez and Selva Almada in conversation with Nelson Jiménez

Explorers, dreamers and thieves

 Universidad de Cartagena, Claustro de San Agustín (Aula Máxima de Derecho)
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In 2022, the Hay Festival and the British Museum teamed up to create the anthology Volver a contar: escritores de América Latina en los archivos del Museo Británico, in which a group of ten writers delved into narratives on the past using a collection of Latin American objects in the museum, a collection never seen by the public. In 2023 we present the anthology Exploradores, soñadores y ladrones, in which six fiction writers visit the museum’s collection to come up with a new compilation of texts that question and reimagine the predominant narratives, with the writer Juan Gabriel Vásquez (Colombia) and the novelist Selva Almada (Argentina), in conversation with Nelson Jiménez.
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Juan Gabriel Vásquez and Selva Almada in conversation with Nelson Jiménez

Event HJ16

Velia Vidal in conversation with Cindy Herrera

 Universidad de Cartagena, Claustro de San Agustín (Biblioteca)
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In 2022, the writer, cultural manager and reading promotor Velia Vidal was named as one of the world’s 100 most influential women by the BBC. This Colombian from Chocó is the founder and Director of the Motete Cultural and Educational Corporation which works to promote reading and culture in her region. With her first book, Aguas de estuario, the author tells of her personal return to her homeland to dedicate her life to offering reading support and cultural management, how the tensions between the centre and the periphery in a country like Colombia define much of this journey, and her struggle to dissolve these divisions. Her most recent publication, Para vernos mejor, is a reflection on representation in children’s literature, which questions a system that continues to privilege hegemonic discourses. The author proposes, with experiences and examples, a way of building more diverse role models. In conversation with the writer and cultural manager Cindy Herrera.
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Velia Vidal in conversation with Cindy Herrera

Event HJ18

Gerardo Meneses in conversation with Alexander Montes

Talking about war in times of peace

 Universidad de Cartagena, Claustro de la Merced (Salón Eréndira)
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Gerardo studied Literature at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional and has written over 20 books. He has received a range of national and international prizes, recently being ‘highly recommended’ by Fundalectura and put on the IBBY List of Honour, Greece (2018). On this occasion, Meneses will talk about his children’s novels La luna en los almendros, El rojo era el color de mamá and Bajo la luna de mayo, which deal with children and the Colombian armed conflict. He will talk to Alexander Montes.
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Gerardo Meneses in conversation with Alexander Montes

Event HJ17

Josefa Sánchez Contreras and Gabriela Wiener in conversation with Daniella Sánchez Russo

Explorers, dreamers and thieves

 Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar (Sede Manga) - Auditorio Jorge Taua
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In 2022, the Hay Festival and the British Museum teamed up to create the anthology Volver a contar: escritores de América Latina en los archivos del Museo Británico, in which a group of ten writers delved into narratives on the past using a collection of Latin American objects in the museum, a collection never seen by the public. In 2023 we present the anthology Exploradores, soñadores y ladrones, in which six fiction writers visit the museum’s collection to come up with a new compilation of texts that question and reimagine the predominant narratives.With the sociologist and activist Josefa Sánchez Contreras (México) and the writer and journalist Gabriela Wiener (Perú), in conversation with Daniella Sánchez Russo.
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Josefa Sánchez Contreras and Gabriela Wiener in conversation with Daniella Sánchez Russo

Event HJ20

Margarita Rosa de Francisco in conversation with Ricardo Chica Gelis

 Universidad de Cartagena, Claustro de San Agustín (Paraninfo)
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Over the course of four decades, and with 15 years as a columnist, Margarita Rosa de Francisco has become one of the most entertaining and influential personalities in the Colombian media. Her roles in soap operas such as Gallito Ramírez (1986-87) and Café con aroma de mujer (1994-95) made her a star of national television. She has acted in around 20 film and television productions, has contributed to media outlets such as El Tiempo, SoHo, Ellas and El Espectador and has won many prizes, including the Simón Bolívar, TV y Novelas, Macondo and the India Catalina awards in Colombia, as well as the recent Horizon Award at the 2023 Venice Film Festival for Best Actress in the film El Paraiso, directed by the Italian Enrico María Artale. She will talk to Ricardo Chica Gelis about her second book, Margarita va sola (2023), a collection of memories and reflections on matters that range from revealing one’s body and erotic initiation, to her thoughts about God and identity.

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Margarita Rosa de Francisco in conversation with Ricardo Chica Gelis

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Colombia el Pais de la Belleza