Event 99


Festival Closing Party

Venue: Aula Magna, Campus de Santa Cruz La Real–IE University
Marwan is a songwriter and best-selling poet. His father is Palestinian and his mother Spanish. Todos mis futuros son contigo (‘All My Futures Are With You’), is a full-blown emotional autopsy, a diary written by someone who is shocked at his own feelings and then equally shocked that he can understand those feelings straightaway. Sometimes, you may wonder if you are reading poetry, poetic prose or utterings from the heart. What is clear, however, is that you cannot fail to be moved after reading Marwan’s work. He started to compose when he was very young, and the reach of social media has enabled him to become highly successful – so much so that his music (which he publishes himself) has led him to tour throughout Spain and Latin America. Marwan has a conversation with the poet and writer Benjamin Prado, then concludes the event by playing and singing his most famous hits.


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