Support us

Access to the arts has never been more vital and we are grateful for the continued generosity of our community of supporters. Donations to Hay Festival help underpin all of our work around the world, supporting the activities at the very heart of our mission.

Who we are

We are a global festival of stories, ideas and new possibilities. We are a creative catalyst for change through literature, arts and ideas. We help open minds to the very latest thinking and see our ever-changing world differently. 

As a charity, Hay Festival relies on the generosity of our supporters to continue providing impactful platforms and projects that inspire change, showcasing the best artistic talent, attracting the world’s most respected thinkers and speakers, and delivering learning and engagement opportunities to captivate the next generation. 

What we do

Hay Festival is the antidote to polarisation. For nearly 40 years we have brought together diverse voices to listen, talk, debate and create, tackling some of the biggest political, social and environmental challenges of our time.

Through one-of-kind festivals, in unique locations around the world – plus forums, digital platforms and learning programmes – Hay Festival celebrates and inspires new ideas, different perspectives, and points of view. 

“We believe that ideas can change the world and that everyone has a right to inspiration and creativity. Help us continue to connect communities through culture and spread the transformative power of words and ideas." Julie Finch, CEO

Ways to support

There are many ways that you can help to support our work:

  • Give a one-off or regular donation, perhaps to a specific project
  • Become a Member, and enjoy benefits throughout the year
  • ‍Make a world of difference by joining the Patrons, Benefactors or Chair's Circle
  • ‍Leave a legacy, supporting our work for generations now and in the future

Hay Festival 2023 in numbers

  • 6.7 million web visits
  • 44 million social media impressions
  • 1 million online event views
  • 315,395 tickets sold
  • 15k school pupils reached in-person
  • 2,018 artists featured on Festival stages

Get in touch

If you'd like to discuss or have any questions about how to support Hay Festival, please contact Ruth Thomas in our Development Team by phone on 01497 822 620 or by email