Hay Forum Sevilla 2024

The second Hay Forum Sevilla will take place from March 14 to 17, 2024, at various venues in the Andalusian capital. The program includes 18 events where topics such as literature, architecture, the environment, and more will be discussed.


Event 4

Reiner de Graaf in conversation with Martha Thorne

Architecture as a verb

Venue: Fundación Valentín de Madariaga y Oya
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Reinier de Graaf is an architect and partner at the prestigious Dutch firm OMA (Office for Metropolitan Architecture). De Graaf, always challenging common norms and pushing boundaries, co-founded AMO, the think tank of the OMA (Architectural Media Objects). This part of the firm is responsible for developing conceptual projects and research initiatives that extend beyond the realm of traditional architectural practice and engages in important research and publication.

De Graaf, with an insightful and penetrating mind, ever questions the role of architects in our rapidly changing societies and why the relevance of the profession is in danger. Author of “must-read” books, such as Architect – Verb, a book tracing the history of the terms dominating architecture discourse today. He will engage in a rousing dialogue with Martha Thorne, urbanist and senior advisor to the forward-looking , international prize in favour of people and the planet, the OBEL Award.

The event is presented by the cultural attaché of the Netherlands embassy in Spain, Hannah Schildt.

There will be a reception at 20:00, the event will start afterwards.

Event in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish

This event has taken place

Event 5

Greg Clark in conversation with Miquel Molina

The century of cities?

Venue: Fundación Valentín de Madariaga y Oya
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The 21st century is set to be the century of cities. It is estimated that by 2080 some 10 billion people will live in just 10,000 cities. Cities are the natural environment for innovation and progress. However, cities are also the victims of new threats to the global world. They are the ones most affected by the climate emergency, but also by the growing social inequalities that are shaking up long-established models of urban coexistence. Few people are better placed to talk about the crises and opportunities of urban development, giving us concrete examples, than Greg Clark, urban planner and writer who has advised on the development of more than 300 cities. He is the author of books such as Global Cities. A Short History, and The Innovation Economy: Implications and Imperatives for States and Regions. Clark will be in conversation with Miquel Molina, deputy editor of La Vanguardia, novelist and essayist, who authors a weekly opinion column on cities and culture.

The event is presented by Nuria Canivell, an architect at the Román & Canivell studio, of which she was founder 30 years ago, and is currently dean of the College of Architects of Seville.

There will be a reception at 18:30. The event will start afterwards.

Event in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish.

This event has taken place

Event 7

Yvonne Farrell in conversation with Martha Thorne

Beyond architecture

Venue: Fundación Valentín de Madariaga y Oya
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Architect Yvonne Farrell is co-founder of the prestigious Irish firm, Grafton Architects (named for the street on which it was originally located). Farrell along with partner Shelley McNamara won the 2020 Pritzker Architecture Prize, to cite just one among numerous awards. The firm is especially known for academic buildings such as Bocconi University in Milan, the University of Engineering and Technology (UTEC) in Lima, Peru, and the Marshall Building, a major development for the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). In addition to her professional practice, throughout her career, she has been involved in teaching and lecturing at many recognized schools in Europe and North America.

The work of Grafton Architects understands the city "par excellence" and Farrell will discuss with urbanist and senior advisor to the Obel Award, Martha Thorne, the keys to making great architecture that goes beyond merely a functional building to create designs that contribute to the individual, community, and city in multiple ways.

Presents the conversation Valentín de Madariaga Parias. Renowned architect and president of the Valentín de Madariaga y Oya Foundation, an entity that pays tribute to his father. His passion for contemporary art is manifested through his private collection and the FVMO-MP Collection at the foundation he leads.

There will be a reception at 20:00 h, the event will start afterwards.

Event in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish.

This event has taken place

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