Event 4

Reiner de Graaf in conversation with Martha Thorne

Architecture as a verb

Venue: Fundación Valentín de Madariaga y Oya

Reinier de Graaf is an architect and partner at the prestigious Dutch firm OMA (Office for Metropolitan Architecture). De Graaf, always challenging common norms and pushing boundaries, co-founded AMO, the think tank of the OMA (Architectural Media Objects). This part of the firm is responsible for developing conceptual projects and research initiatives that extend beyond the realm of traditional architectural practice and engages in important research and publication.

De Graaf, with an insightful and penetrating mind, ever questions the role of architects in our rapidly changing societies and why the relevance of the profession is in danger. Author of “must-read” books, such as Architect – Verb, a book tracing the history of the terms dominating architecture discourse today. He will engage in a rousing dialogue with Martha Thorne, urbanist and senior advisor to the forward-looking , international prize in favour of people and the planet, the OBEL Award.

The event is presented by the cultural attaché of the Netherlands embassy in Spain, Hannah Schildt.

There will be a reception at 20:00, the event will start afterwards.

Event in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish

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