Event 3

Mario Ellington, Mónica Moreno Figueroa, Claudia Mosquera Rosero-Labbé, Federico Pita and Roberto Zurbano in conversation with Yoseth Ariza

Patterns of racism

Centro de Convenciones (Salón Barahona)

If we wish to create most just societies, with an equality of opportunities and rights, it is important to analyse the structural racism that exists around us. We talk to five experts from five countries in the region about how to counter racism through education and change: with Mario Ellington (Guatemala), a Garifuna lawyer and former Vice-minister of Culture in Guatemala; Mónica Moreno Figueroa (Mexico), Professor of Sociology at the University of Cambridge; Claudia Mosquera Rosero-Labbé (Colombia), academic and Colombian Ambassador in Senegal; Federico Pita (Argentina), activist and intellectual; and Roberto Zurbano (Cuba), a cultural critic and essayist; in conversation with Yoseth Ariza Araújo, Director of the Centre for Afrodiaspora Studies at the ICESI University.

Price: $40,000.00 (COP)
Mario Ellington, Mónica Moreno Figueroa, Claudia Mosquera Rosero-Labbé, Federico Pita and Roberto Zurbano in conversation with Yoseth Ariza