Event 58

Only Members of Hay Festival may buy tickets prior to public launch. If you are already a Member please log in. If you would like to become a Member, sign up here.

Booking for non-members opens at 1200 on Friday 27 September.

Colombe Schneck in conversation with Doris Guillén

Venue: Teatro Arequepay

Colombe Schneck is a prominent French writer, journalist, and documentary filmmaker of Jewish origin, whose literary career is characterized by her profound exploration of themes such as memory, identity, and the traces of the past. Throughout her career, she has received numerous awards, such as the Premio Murat in 2006 for L'Increvable Monsieur Schneck and the French Academy Anna de Noailles Prize in 2010 for Une femme célèbre. Her new book, Swimming in Paris: A Life in Three Stories (2024), will soon be published in at least seven countries and gathers three iconic short novels: Seventeen, Friendship, and Swimming. With this work, Schneck broadens her international reach, establishing herself as a contemporary classical author. In conversation with Doris Guillén.

Simultaneous translation from English to Spanish available
Price: £3.00

Only Members of Hay Festival may buy tickets prior to public launch. If you are already a Member please log in. If you would like to become a Member, sign up here.

Booking for non-members opens at 1200 on Friday 27 September.

Colombe Schneck in conversation with Doris Guillén
Colombe Schneck in conversation with Doris Guillén

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