Event HFC2

Poetry reading-workshop for women. With Elisa Guerra

At your age, I wore a darkness

Venue: Establecimiento penitenciario de mujeres de Arequipa

Poetry reading-workshop for women, taking the text by the poet Maggie Smith as a first inspiration to share and create poems together. It is not necessary to have written poetry before, but if participants have written any before, it is suggested they take some to the event. The workshop is moderated by the educator Elisa Guerra, shortlisted for the 2023 Loewe Poetry Prize. Her book Ellas, Afasia won the poetry prize awarded by the magazine Punto de Partida, published by UNAM (Mexico). Guerra runs Las Primeras Letras, a literary podcast-workshop for children.

This event has taken place
Poetry reading-workshop for women. With Elisa Guerra
Poetry reading-workshop for women. With Elisa Guerra

Partner for Latin America


Principal Sponsors

Fundación BBVA Continental

Government Partner

Arequipa Gobierno Regional