Event M2

Only Members of Hay Festival may buy tickets prior to public launch. If you are already a Member please log in. If you would like to become a Member, sign up here.

Booking for non-members opens at 1200 on Friday 27 September.

BBC Mundo digital journalism workshop, with Alejandro Millán

Venue: Casa Quellaveco

A journalist from one of the world’s most important and prestigious media outlets will give a digital journalism workshop aimed at university students. This member of the BBC Mundo, Alejandro Millán, team will explain the working model of the Spanish-language section of this British news service, which is over a hundred years old and is renowned for its news rigour and quality, focussing particularly on audio-visual content creation and managing the social media.

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BBC Mundo digital journalism workshop, with Alejandro Millán
BBC Mundo digital journalism workshop, with Alejandro Millán

Partner for Latin America


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Fundación BBVA Continental

Government Partner

Arequipa Gobierno Regional