Event 51

Masterclass by José Carlos Plaza, with actors Jorge Torres and Olga Rodríguez

The written word and the living word

Venue: Teatro Juan Bravo

José Carlos Plaza invites us to a masterclass based on a famous theatrical text and joined by actors Jorge Torres and Olga Rodríguez. Plaza is a stage director and acting teacher, three-time winner of the National Theater Award. Creator of famous productions based on acclaimed works of literature, such as Las bicicletas son para el verano, las Comedias bárbaras íntegras, Crime and Punishment, Hamlet, and La casa de Bernarda Alba, he has distinguished himself in directing actors such as Ana Belén, Concha Velasco, Berta Riaza and Charo López.

Haz. Otra mirada a la vida desde el escenario is his first book; a story about life in the inspirational theatre industry.

In this masterclass, using textual analysis and character interpretation, he will unravel the great mystery of the act of theatre.

Event in Spanish

Price: €9.00 (EUR)