Event 40

Emilio del Río in conversation with Carlos Aganzo

Crazy about Myths

Venue: IE University. Aula Magna

They walk among us. And they are part of our everyday lives. The gods of Mount Olympus and the heroes of classical antiquity are the protagonists of a fascinating series of myths that underpin what we call Western culture. And they never cease to amaze us. Modernising these myths and making them accessible to all is the aim of Pequeña historia de la mitología clásica by Emilio del Río, with illustrations by Julius. Del Río will talk about modernity and the relevance of myths in our lives with writer and journalist Carlos Aganzo.

Del Río is an academic, writer, communicator, and professor of Latin Language and Linguistics at Madrid’s Complutense University. His feature on RNE, Verba volant, has become a real radio success, after the success of books such as Latin lovers, Calamares a la romana or Locos por los clásicos. Aganzo is the author of some twenty books of poetry and as many travel books. Former director of Diario de Ávila and El Norte de Castilla, he is currently director of the Vocento Foundation.

Event in Spanish

Price: €9.00 (EUR)