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Nicola Garrard

21 Miles

Hay Festival 2024, 

Camwch i fyd cyflym a graenus ond llawn cyfeillgarwch ffoaduriaid yn eu harddegau sy’n byw ar y stryd yng ngogledd Ffrainc: pwy ydyn nhw? Lle mae eu rhieni… a pam eu bod nhw mor dda mewn pêl-droed? Bydd yr awdures enwog Nicola Garrard yn arwain trafodaeth fywiog, a byddwch yn cwrdd â Donny, arwr dewr a doniol 29 Locks, wrth iddo ddychwelyd am fwy o anturiaethau yn 21 Miles. Pan fydd yn colli ei basbort ar wyliau, mae’n rhaid iddo ymuno â phobl ifanc sydd wedi teithio miloedd o filltiroedd o ranbarthau rhyfel ac argyfwng hinsawdd, a dod o hyd i’w ffordd adref. A fydd ei sgiliau cwch yn ei helpu i deithio’r 21 milltir rhwng Ffrainc a Phrydain?

Step into the fast-paced and gritty but friendship-filled world of teenage refugees living rough in northern France: who are they? Where are their parents… and just why are they so good at football? Acclaimed author Nicola Garrard will lead a lively discussion and you’ll meet Donny, the brave and funny hero of 29 Locks, as he returns for more adventures in 21 Miles. When he loses his passport on holiday, he must join forces with young people who have travelled thousands of miles from war and climate crisis-torn regions, and find a way home. Will his boat skills help him navigate the 21 miles between France and Britain?

KS3/4 | CA3/4
Nicola Garrard