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Daniel Morden

Strange Tales

Hay Festival 2024, 

Disgwyliwch hwyl arswydus gan un o storïwyr gorau’r DU yn y digwyddiad hwn. Mae llyfr newydd Daniel Morden, Strange Tales, yn cynnwys llu o straeon traddodiadol o’r ochr dywyll: sgerbydau sy’n dawnsio, ysbrydion anweledig, taith i Uffern. Bydd yn adrodd ‘chillers a thrillers’, sydd yn sicr o swyno pawb! Mae’r awdur a’r storïwr arobryn o Gymru yn adnabyddus am ei berfformiadau anhygoel o straeon hynafol. Mae wedi teithio’r byd, o’r Arctig i’r Môr Tawel i’r Caribî. Gydag amseriad digrifwr ar ei draed a thro ymadrodd bardd, mae’n galluogi hanesion ein cyndeidiau i siarad â chenhedlaeth heddiw o bobl ifanc.

Expect grisly fun from one of the UK’s finest storytellers in this event. Daniel Morden’s new book Strange Tales features a host of traditional tales from the dark side: dancing skeletons, invisible spirits, a journey to Hell… He’ll tell chillers and thrillers, guaranteed to enthrall all! The award-winning Welsh author and storyteller is known for his amazing performances of ancient stories. He has toured the world, from the Arctic to the Pacific to the Caribbean. With the timing of a standup and the turn of phrase of a poet, he enables the tales of our ancestors to speak to today’s generation of young people.

KS3/4 | CA3/4
Daniel Morden