Event 53

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Booking for non-members opens at 12pm on Friday 14 March.

Rosa Montero in conversation with Ana Gavín

The madness that lurks

Venue: Torreón de Lozoya

The alternatives that life gives us is to be sane and die of boredom or to be away with the fairies taking us closer to madness, with all its woes and freedoms. In her latest work, El peligro de estar cuerda, the writer Rosa Montero reflects, in a profound yet amusing way, on what it means to be different, to think and act without rules, and how close she came to losing her mind. She will do so in conversation with Ana Gavín, Director of Editorial Relations at Grupo Planeta.

Montero, a native of Madrid, studied Journalism and Psychology. She is the author, of novels including Crónica del desamor, Te trataré como a una reina, Amado amo, Temblor, Bella y oscura, La hija del caníbal, El corazón del Tártaro, La loca de la casa (winner of the Qué Leer and Grinzane Cavour awards), Historia del Rey Transparente (Qué Leer award), La ridícula idea de no volver a verte and El peligro de estar cuerda. Her journalistic career has been recognised by the National Journalism Prize, the Rodríguez Santamaría Prize and the El Mundo Journalism Prize, among others. In November 2017 she was awarded the Premio Nacional de las Letras in recognition of her career as a novelist, journalist and essayist.

At the end of the event, the author will sign copies of her books at the book stall on Calle Real.

Event in Spanish

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