Event HF9

Adela Muñoz Páez

Women scientists: the past, the present and the future

Venue: Plaza San Francisco

Adela Muñoz Páez (Spain) is one of the most brilliant essayists writing today. A professor of Inorganic Chemistry at Seville University, her other great passion is women scientists. She is the creator of Científicas: Pasado, Presente y Futuro, a series of dramatic representations aimed at school children aged between 8 and 14. At this event, we will see some of these works and find out from the scientist Muñoz why her work has been so important.

Ages 8 to 14
This event has taken place
Adela Muñoz Páez

Partner for Latin America


Principal Sponsors

Fundación BBVA Continental

Government Partner

Arequipa Gobierno Regional

Institutional Partner

Ford Foundation