Event HF8

Gioconda Belli and Claudia Piñeiro in conversation with Cynthia Rodríguez

Of course it is literature…for young people!

Venue: Plaza San Francisco

Children’s literature is a genre that is dedicated to a very specific public: those going through infancy. The quality of its content and relevance in terms of the intellectual and emotional education of young children are crucial. Gioconda Belli (Nicaragua) and Claudia Piñeiro (Argentina), two outstanding Latin American authors, will talk about their experiences writing for this particular readership together with the promotor of children’s literature Cynthia Rodríguez (Venezuela/Canada).

Event for parents and educators
This event has taken place

Partner for Latin America


Principal Sponsors

Fundación BBVA Continental

Government Partner

Arequipa Gobierno Regional

Institutional Partner

Ford Foundation