Event HF7

Fernando Ampuero in conversation with Estefani Bengoa

Run Run. The sad and contorted life of a captive fox

Venue: Plaza San Francisco

Fernando Ampuero, a wonderful Peruvian writer presents a book for children that tells the story of a fox that is in captivity, thus dealing with the subject of the mistreatment of animals. Nobody knows what muddles life will get you into; this is something that Run Run the fox discovers at an early age when he is obliged to pretend he is a dog, since fate has decreed that he will move from one family to another, interfering with his nature and his freedom. Moderator by reading promoter Estefani Bengoa.

For children ages 6 and over
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Partner for Latin America


Principal Sponsors

Fundación BBVA Continental

Government Partner

Arequipa Gobierno Regional

Institutional Partner

Ford Foundation