Hay Forum Sevilla 2024

The second Hay Forum Sevilla will take place from March 14 to 17, 2024, at various venues in the Andalusian capital. The program includes 18 events where topics such as literature, architecture, the environment, and more will be discussed.


Event 11

Teodoro León Gross in conversation with Pepa Bueno, Carlos Franganillo and Rafa Latorre

Is journalism in a critical state?

Venue: Fundación Cajasol (Teatro)
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Journalism is fighting fires on several fronts, including, since the loss of the ad-driven model, the still unresolved issue of what to do about the journalistic format, along with the crisis generated by value of truth seeming to have disappeared in a post-truth landscape. The deterioration of liberal democracies accompanies the crises in journalism as identity tribalism, with its accompanying post-ideological polarisation, is moving towards a mode of moralising that disregards facts and takes opinions as truths, with those who dissent cast as morally reprehensible. What danger does activist journalism place journalism in?

The Andalusian journalist Teodoro León Gross will discuss the subject with three leading Spanish journalists: Pepa Bueno, Carlos Franganillo and Rafa Latorre. Gross has worked with newspapers such as El País, El Mundo, and ABC, as well as various Joly Group newspapers in Andalusia. He currently directs and presents the news programme Mesa de análisis on Canal Sur Televisión. Bueno, editor at El País, has also hosted the programme Hoy por Hoy on Cadena Ser. She is the recipient of numerous awards such as the Premio Micrófono de Oro (2008) and the Francisco Cerecedo Award (2010). Franganillo, winner of the Ondas Award (2019), the gold medal at the New York Festival (2014), and the award for best correspondent from the Club Internacional de Prensa (2016), has worked at TVE, from where he has just moved to Mediaset España to direct and present Telecinco News. Latorre began his career in the written press, but soon turned to radio. He has directed and presented the Onda Cero programme La Brújula since 2022, and is a regular columnist for the El Mundo newspaper.

Event in Spanish

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