Leave a legacy

If Hay Festival has meant a lot to you during your life, why not leave a gift in your will to help secure the future of Hay Festival for generations to come. Anyone can leave a legacy, and it doesn't cost you anything in your lifetime.

If you would like to leave a gift in your will we recommend that you get in touch with a solicitor who can make the arrangements and give you advice on the types of legacies and tax advantages associated with this kind of charitable gift.

Simply ask your solicitor to include the following information to ensure your gift will reach us.

'I give free of tax the [sum of / item specified / residue of my estate] to Hay Festival Foundation Limited (Charity number 1070073)'

If you plan to leave us a gift in your will, please let us know so we can ensure that your final wishes can be fulfilled. We’ll also keep you involved and informed through news and events and we can discuss the ways in which you might like your gift to be recognised. Any information you provide will remain confidential.

For further information contact: ruth@hayfestival.org | T +44 (0)1497 822 620

Hay Festival at night