Planet Assembly – Mobilise

Aerial photo of the Hay Festival 2024 site

At Hay Festival Global we believe that ideas and stories can change the world. Let's write a new story - the time for action is now. So we, would ask you to join us and the wider festival community to come together in this election year to take action for the environment.

We are asking all of our artists, partners and audience to:

1. Sign our Statement on the Climate Emergency

2. Take a Personal Action Pledge

3. Join our Hay Festival Green community by signing up to receive our latest news and ways you can work with our partners to make a difference to the natural world.

From Hay Festival each day, we covered some of the best green thinking responding to the climate and nature emergencies. Read the Festival's daily updates from the Planet Assemblies and other sessions, where we shared ideas about how we can mobilise – individually and collectively – for a better future.