Hay Festival Green - Together Pledge

A pledge to mobilise for the future of our planet

Let's write a new story. The time to act is now.
We can create a world of different outcomes for our planet.
Let’s use our power to slow and reverse the impact of climate change and habitat loss - mobilising for the future of our planet.

We are bringing together some of the leading organisers and experts to mobilise a movement for change and take sustainable action.

By pledging to reduce waste, source sustainable food, use sustainable transport, improve habitats or to buy sustainable energy you can join forces with the rest of the Hay Festival community to make your difference to the planet.

We’ll stay in touch and can signpost you to information and organisations, giving you the skills, support and inspiration to change the world. Together.

Simply select one or more actions that you will take for our planet. A commitment to play your part in mobilising for the future.

Please tick
Pledge details
Reduce Waste - Some examples include:

Reduce food waste by 50% by only buying and cooking what you know you can eat.
Reduce your purchase of single plastic packaging by buying loose food items and reusing and refilling plastic packaging.
Buy second hand clothes and homewares and donate or sell items you no longer need.

Source Sustainable Food - Some examples include:

Write to your retailers and food suppliers to ask for them to source products only from sustainable sources. (RSPO, FSC, Sustainable Soy, Regenerative farming practices).
Purchase food from local, sustainable sources or grow your own.
Reduce your meat & dairy consumption by at least 50% by switching to plant-based alternatives.

Use Sustainable Transport - Some examples include:

Make your next car is an electric car.
Walk or cycle for all journeys of up to 6 miles.
Take public transport for the majority of journeys of 10 miles or more.

Improve Habitats - Some examples include:

Plant trees in your garden or community spaces.
Plant pollinating plants in your garden or community spaces.
Return paved areas or areas of low biodiversity value back to nature.
Replace detergents with environmentally friendly alternatives.

Support sustainable energy - Some examples include:

Switch your energy supply to a 'green' energy source.
Review your investments and switch to investments in green industries only.
Invest in sustainable energy sources in your home, business, or community space (e.g. solar panels).

Spread the word - Some examples include:

Write to your MP and ask them to explain their policies and actions in supporting green investment and initiatives, locally, nationally and globally. Then ask them to do more.
Use social media and other networks to encourage others to take action for the planet.

First name
Last name
Email address