Leave a legacy

Help secure the future of Hay Festival through a gift in your Will. Anyone can leave a legacy, and it doesn't cost you anything in your lifetime. You can also give in memory of a loved one. We would be happy to discuss your wishes with you in more detail. 

If you plan to leave us a gift in your Will, please let us know so we can thank you and keep you involved and informed through news and events. We can also discuss the ways in which you might like your gift to be recognised. Any information you provide will remain confidential. 

Further information about the different types of legacies and tax advantages can be found below, but we recommend that you speak to a solicitor for personal and confidential up-to-date advice tailored to your needs. They will ensure your intentions are clearly expressed and legally valid, and will be able to advise you on any tax benefits in relation to your gift. 

Different types of legacies

There are a number of different types of legacies you may wish to consider:

pecuniary legacy allows you to specify a sum of money to give.

specific legacy enables you to leave a specific asset such as property, works of art and shares.

residuary legacy is a gift of all or part of your estate after other legacies and expenses have been paid.

reversionary legacy allows you to leave assets to Hay Festival whilst giving a named person the benefit of them during his or her lifetime.

Suggested wording for your Will

We suggest including the following in your will to ensure that your intention for your gift is clear:

'I give free of tax the [sum of / item specified / residue of my estate] to Hay Festival Foundation Limited (Charity number 1070073)'

Tax efficient giving for legacy donors 

As a registered charity, leaving a gift to Hay Festival could reduce your Inheritance Tax rate and may provide other tax benefits. 

For further information contact:

Hay Festival Foundation Limited
The Drill Hall, 25 Lion Street, Hay-on-Wye, HR3 5AD. UK

E ruth@hayfestival.org | T +44 (0)1497 822 620

Hay Festival at night