Event 12

Silent Films

Presented by 3rd Festival of British Cinema

 – Parish Hall, Hay
A programme of early silent films presented and accompanied on the piano. Paul Shallcross, the well known local pianist and enthusiast for silent film introduces and comments on a marvellous range of early British film, from 1900–1929 with piano accompaniment.

Beginning with some of the very earliest of British films, such as the surreal How it feels to be run over, and climaxing in the truly epic Life Story of David Lloyd George the programme will present a selection of films covering the whole of the period of silent film making in Britain. Featured will be the work of William Haggar, the fairground impresario who became Wales’ first professional film maker, and alongside chase films and cartoons there will be shown some of the many hilarious moments in early film when things didn’t quite work out as the director intended...

How it Feels to be Run Over (1900) 1 minute

Mary Jane’s Mishap (1903) 4 minutes

The Bather’s Revenge (1901) 1 minute

A Desperate Poaching Affray (1903) 4 minutes

A Daring Daylight Burglary (1903) 4 minutes

The Life Story of Charlie Peace (1905) 14 minutes

The Sheep Stealer (1907) 7 minutes

Jerry the Tyke Cartoons (1927–1929) 20 minutes

The Life Story of David Lloyd George (1918) 25 minutes

By permission of The National Screen and Sound Archives of Wales

UK 1900–1929 
100 minutes
This event has taken place
Silent Films