Event 8

A life-changing book

Project of the José Manuel Lara Foundation

Venue: IES Ramón Carande, barrio Tres Mil Viviendas del Polígono Sur

The José Manuel Lara Foundation is very clear that the promotion of reading is a clear driver of social transformation, especially among the most vulnerable groups, which focuses this project starring students of IES Ramón Carande, located in the neighborhood of Polígono Sur, better known as the Tres Mil Viviendas, which has the lowest per capita income in the European Union. The children of this school will be able to talk to a writer of their choice. The aim of the meeting is to open them to reading, but not only as a mere lever of entertainment; but to prove that reading will allow them to improve their education and thus be able to choose their future with more freedom. The José Manuel Lara Foundation seeks social transformation through reading, since it is considered that a child who reads will be a more knowledgeable, more critical child, with greater possibilities for the future and, therefore, happier.

Event in Spanish

This event is aimed to IES Ramón Carande students
A life-changing book