Event 52

Susan Neiman and Rinaldo Walcott in conversation with Paula Moreno

Dreaming the impossible? Reinventing memories of slavery

Centro de Convenciones (Auditorio Getsemaní)

The origin of racism against Afro-descendent people goes back to slavery, empire building and the capitalist development of the world. In conversation with Paula Moreno will be Susan Neiman, a US philosopher and writer, author of Learning from the Germans: Race and the Memory of Evil; and Rinaldo Walcott (Barbados / Canada) is a writer, critic, researcher in the area of Black Diaspora Cultural Studies, gender and sexuality, and author of the book On Property: Policing, Prisons, and the Call for Abolition.

Simultaneous interpretation from English to Spanish available

Price: $40,000.00 (COP)
Susan Neiman and Rinaldo Walcott in conversation with Paula Moreno