Event 49

Poetry Readings – Our Own and Others’ Works

In memory of Julia Casaravilla

Venue: Jardín Romeral de San Marcos

New performance of Propios y Ajenos, a cycle of readings held for the 16th time at the Hay Festival Segovia. The event will be held in the Romeral de San Marcos, the most personal and private garden of the landscape designer and architect Leandro Silva, who, in addition to other projects, restored the Botanical Garden of Madrid.

Quico Serrano, Javier Gila, Elisabeth Grüniger, Carlos Giménez Rengifo, Javier Giráldez, Beltrán Gambier, José María Parreño, Ignacio Gómez de Liaño, Maribel Gilsanz, Sergio Artero, Claudia Schaefer, Manuel Gómez Anuarbe, Miguel Ángel Moreno, Gervasio Posadas and Sheila Cremaschi will read texts of their own or by their favourite poets in memory of the cherished Julia Casaravilla, recently deceased, museologist and owner-curator of Romeral de San Marcos, and wife of Leandro Silva.

José Antonio Municio, an expert in the history of the garden, which he has written a book about, will reveal some of its secrets. Félix Valdivieso will lead the readings as master of ceremonies.

In case of rain, the event will be moved to the IE University Sala Capitular

With readings in Spanish

Price: €9.00 (EUR)