Event 48

Ignacio Morgado in conversation with Inmaculada Ballesteros

The capacities of memory

Venue: Biblioteca Municipal Casa de la Lectura

Memory is not a linear mechanism that needs equal circumstances and identical stimuli. The brain manages to find the ways of learning and how to store the information it receives; and then, apply it to our intelligence with the best use; that is in case it develops the whole process well. And very important, it is neither convenient nor necessary to retain everything in memory, and for it to be efficient, health is an essential element. Ignacio Morgado will talk about this with Inmaculada Ballesteros.

Morgado is a renowned neuroscientist and Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the Institute of Neurosciences and the Faculty of Psychology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. His works include La fábrica de las ilusiones, Emociones corrosivas, Deseo y placer and Aprender, recordar, olvidar. Ballesteros is an expert in cultural policies, institutional relations and digital transition. She is an advisor to national and international organizations and is Acción Cultural Española (AC/E)'s Director of Programming.

At the end of the meeting, the author will sign copies of his works.

Event in Spanish

Price: €9.00 (EUR)