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Jenny Valentine

Us in the Before and After

Hay Festival 2024, 

Mae Jenny Valentine wedi bod yn meddwl am restrau. Rhestrau hir, rhestrau byr, rhestrau siopa, rhestrau dymuniadau, rhestrau coll, rhestrau i’w gwneud. Mae pawb yn eu hysgrifennu, mewn un ffordd neu’r llall. Dewch i ysgrifennu rhywfaint o restrau gyda Jenny am bethau bob dydd, neu bethau materol, neu bethau ynghylch bywyd a marwolaeth. Mae ein rhestrau yn dweud mwy amdanom nag yr ydym yn ei sylweddoli. Bydd Jenny yn eich cyflwyno i’w nofel Awduron Ifanc ddiweddaraf, Us in the Before and After, a fydd yn ddarlleniad brawychus, torcalonnus o hardd am farwolaeth sydyn a chanlyniadau oes un weithred drasig.

Jenny Valentine has been thinking about lists. Long lists, short lists, shopping lists, wish lists, missing lists, to-do lists. Everybody writes them, one way or another. Come and make some lists with Jenny about everyday things, or material things, or life and death things. Our lists say more about us than we realise. Jenny will introduce you to her latest YA novel, Us in the Before and After, a tear-jerking, heart-breakingly beautiful read about the fallout of a sudden death, and the lifelong consequences of a single tragic act.

KS3/4 | CA3/4
Jenny Valentine