Event P3

Opening doors to the future through reading

José Manuel Lara Foundation Project

Venue: Colegio IES Ramón Carande

Tres Mil Viviendas, the neighbourhood with the lowest per capita income in the European Union. The children from this school, many of whom are Roma, will get to talk with the author of two works that they themselves have chosen and read beforehand. The aim of the meeting is to encourage reading, and at the same time to explore the idea that books are not only a source of escape or leisure, but that more and better reading, can lead to them improving their grades and opening doors to a better future. The José Manuel Lara Foundation pursues social transformation through reading, as it believes that a young person who reads will gain more knowledge, be more skilled in critical thinking, with greater opportunities for the future and, therefore, happier.

Redry, David Galan, teacher from Valladolid, the poet of the networks and winner of the ESPASAPOESIA 2019 award. He is the author chosen by the students of the high school IES Ramon Carande.

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Opening doors to the future through reading