Event 37

Heather Hurley

Horse-drawn Tramways of the Wye Valley

Venue: Hay Castle Clore Learning Space

The early tramways in the Wye Valley (variously termed as railways, wagon-ways or tram roads) were a transport system of horse-drawn wagons on rails. In this richly illustrated book, the local historian explores all known tramways – the routes taken, the companies that built and ran them and the people who used them – in and around the Wye Valley, to provide a fascinating history of this short-lived form of transport from the late 18th century to the introduction of steam railway on the Welsh border.

Drawing on extensive research of tramway company archives, maps and plans, newspapers and journals, archaeological reports, books and illustrations, the author also carried out fieldwork in Monmouthshire, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Powys.

This event has taken place
Heather Hurley
Funded by UK Government
Powys Council
Growing Mid Wales