Join MG Leonard and Sam Sedgman, award-winning authors of the bestselling Adventures on Trains series, to celebrate the publication of the fifth book in the series, Sabotage on the Solar Express. They uncover a feast of interesting facts about trains, mystery stories and how to be a good detective. Jump on for a dramatic reading from the book, a demonstration of the science behind a steam engine, a question-and-answer session and an exclusive teaser about the sixth book, The Arctic Assassin.
Ymunwch â MG Leonard a Sam Sedgman, awduron arobryn y gyfres lwyddiannus Adventures on Trains, i ddathlu cyhoeddi'r pumed llyfr yn y gyfres, Sabotage ar y Solar Express. Maen nhw’n datgelu gwledd o ffeithiau diddorol am drenau, straeon dirgel a sut i fod yn dditectif da. Camwch mlaen i glywed darlleniad dramatig o'r llyfr, i weld arddangosiad o'r wyddoniaeth tu ôl i injan stêm, i gymryd rhan mewn sesiwn holi ac ateb ac i glywed pos unigryw am y chweched llyfr, The Arctic Assassin.