Christine Pillainayagam introduces her hilarious debut YA novel, Ellie Pillai is Brown. You’ll hear about Ellie’s disastrous experiences of navigating first love, strict parents, friendships and an over-dramatic personality. Bring a notebook and learn the perfect ingredients for writing your own lyrics.
Photo credit: Charlotte Knee Photography
Mae Christine Pillainayagam yn cyflwyno ei nofel gyntaf ddoniol iawn i Oedolion Ifanc, Ellie Pillai is Brown. Byddwch yn clywed am brofiadau trychinebus Ellie, o’i chariad cyntaf, rhieni llym, cyfeillgarwch a phersonoliaeth or-ddramatig. Dewch â llyfr nodiadau a dysgu'r cynhwysion perffaith ar gyfer ysgrifennu eich geiriau eich hun.