Event 39

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Booking for non-members opens at 12pm on Friday 14 March.

Marcelo Luján in conversation with Juan Carlos Galindo

Short fiction, and its ten commandments

Venue: La Alhóndiga. Sede de Gales / Llwyfan Cymru

What is crucial for creating a good story? What errors do new writers frequently commit? And what about the most common vices in the profession? Marcelo Luján, one of the most high-profile short story and detective novel writers of the moment will look at some important areas, just as he does in his classes at the Writers’ School. Luján has won important awards, including the Ribera de Duero Prize for his fine short story collection La claridad. He also received the Dashiell Hammett Prize for Subsuelo and the Getafe Crime Novel Prize for La mala espera. Other books by him include Moravia, Flores para Irene, Siempre hay alguien a quien matar and the book of poetic prose Pequeños pies ingleses.

Luján will talk to the journalist Juan Carlos Galindo, Culture Section and Babelia writer for El País and coordinator of the Elemental crime writing blog.

Event in Spanish
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