Michael Sandel teaches political philosophy at Harvard University. He has been described as a “rock star moralist” (Newsweek) and “the world's most famous philosopher” (El País). Sandel´s books, including What Money can't Buy and Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do?, have been translated to 30 languages. His legendary course at Harvard, Justice, was the first one to be available online from the university, and thousands of people have watched it. He was awarded the 2018 Princesa de Asturias prize for Social Science. His latest book, The Tyranny of Merit. What's Cecome of the Common Good? argues that, in order to overcame today’s polarizing politics, we have to rethink our attitude towards success and failure, that are part of globalization and utter lack of equality. Bloomberg, The Guardian, New Statesman and the Times Literary Suplement named the book as the best of 2020. The Tyranny of Merit offers hope to heal divided societies, moving forward towards common good politics.
This video has the Spanish simultaneous translation.
With the support of Sura, Bancolombia and Protección