Event 79

The Workshop of dreams. Building the dreams of …


Venue: Capilla Museo Esteban Vicente

This exhibition is the final result of the ambitious El taller de los sueños (The workshop of dreams), an initiative celebrating the creativity and design of Spaniards using wood.

A global project bringing together four renowned designers who have accepted the challenge of interpreting the dream of a creator or inspirer, each from a different cultural camp, with the aim of giving form as they see fit. The result are four beautiful and innovative objects made out of American hardwoods.

Juan Mari and Elena Arzak, well-known Spanish chefs, along with designer and architect Izaskun Chinchilla have created the first tandem, in the second, RCT Architects have interpreted the desire of writer Javier Cercas; Juan Luis Arsuaga, a paleontologist, has worked with designed Jacob Benbunan; and architect Benedetta Tagliabue, has given form to the desires of another architect, Martha Thorne, director of the Pritzker Prizes.

The guided visit includes the presence of some of the participants in the project.

 www.eltallerdelossuenos.info  @ahec_europe #workshopofdreams

Event in Spanish.

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