Rocío Silva-Santisteban has a PhD in Hispanic Literature from the University of Boston, a Master’s in Latin American Literature from UNMSM, a diploma in Gender, and a degree in Law and Politics. She has been a manager of the Peruvian National Human Rights Coordination Organization (2011-2015) and currently lectures at the PUCP and the Antonio Ruiz de Montoya University. She has published and edited over 15 books of poetry, fiction, essays and academic analysis on gender, culture, human rights, extractivism and climate change, the last is Las muchachas malas de la historia (Mitín 2019). She has won the Copé de Plata Prize twice (1988 and 2007) and another 16 international prizes and distinctions, including the Keys of the City of Quito and the CLACSO Fellowship (2008).