Devi Sridhar is Professor and Chair in Global Public Health at the University of Edinburgh Medical School. She directs the Global Health Governance Programme at the University of Edinburgh which researches how global institutions, finance and rules can better serve the needs of people across the world. Her first book ‘The Battle against Hunger’ was published in 2008 by Oxford University Press and was chosen as a ‘must read’ by Foreign Affairs. She was previously an Associate Professor in Global Health Politics and Fellow at Wolfson College, Oxford University, visiting Associate Professor at LMU-Munich and guest lecturer at the Harvard School of Public Health.
Devi holds a DPhil and MPhil from Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar and a B.S. from the University of Miami in the Honors Medical Program. She is a regular expert commentator on global public health issues on BBC World Service, Sky News, CNN, and BBC Radio 4. She started in-depth work on health issues after losing her father to cancer in high school.