Executive Secretary of the Acuerdo Nacional forum, he has been vice-president of the International Psychoanalytical Association and President of the Peruvian Society of Psychoanalysis, of which he was a founder member. He has been distinguished by the State of Peru as High Official of the Orden El Sol del Perú, and as Amauta of the Palmas Magisteriales, as well as a Comendador of the Spanish Orden de Isabel la Católica. He has also received the Mary S. Sigourney international psychoanalysis award, and the Medal of Outstanding Merit from the Medical College of Peru, among other awards. He is the author of Memoria del bien perdido: conflicto, identidad y nostalgia en el inca Garcilaso (1992), ¿Es otro el rostro del Perú? (2000), En los márgenes de nuestra memoria histórica (2011), Doce años del Acuerdo Nacional (2015) and a number of other publications.