Jan Martínez Ahrens is director of EL PAÍS-América. He was deputy director in Madrid and chief-correspondent in the United States and previously in Mexico, Central America and Caribbean. The International Press Club awarded him the prize for best foreign correspondent. He was executive producer of the animation project El hábito de la mordaza, which received the 2017 Gabo Prize for Innovation. Martínez coordinated and participated in the publication of Wikileaks, The Guantanamo Papers, Chinaleaks and the Pandora Papers. He holds a degree in Philosophy, a master’s degree in Journalism and a PDD from IESE, and was a student of Gabriel García Márquez at FNPI. He is a fellow of the German Marshall Fund of the United States. Under his direction, the El País-América website won the 2022 award for the best site in Latin America.