Manrique studied Literature at Colombia’s National University. In 1995 he travelled to Spain, where he studied Communication Sciences at Barcelona’s Universidad Autónoma. Since then he has worked as a university lecturer and editor, coordinating the Fondo de Cultura Económica’snovella workshop. He is the author of Carlos Fuentes: una lección del tiempo y la circunstancia (1992); Lamirada enferma (2005), shortlisted for the Ministry of Culture’s 1998 National Short Story Prize; Confesiones de un mutante, which received an honourable mention at the 2002 Bogota CityNational Short Story Prize; El Quijote de Shakespeare y otras reflexiones sobre la lectura y los libros (2010), an interview with the historian Roger Chartier; Sobre la escritura (2010); and San Mateo y el ángel (2011). In 2008, he won the Colombian Ministry of Culture’s National Novel Prize with Disturbio, published in 2009. Ellas se están comiendo al gato is his first zombie book.