(Argentina) Diego Bianchi (Bianki) was born in La Plata in 1963. He is an art teacher, designer and illustrator as well as an editor. He studied Design and Communication at U.N.L.P. and is co-founder andartistic director of Pequeño Editor, www.pequenoeditor.com (Buenos Aires, 2002), a collective publishing project that specialises in illustrated books. Since 2000 he has been illustrating the opinion and fiction sections of the cultural supplement Ñ of the newspaper Clarín. He has contributed to the Spanish newspapers La Vanguardia of Barcelona and Público of Madrid. Hedoes illustrations for Mexico’s National Council for Culture and the Arts (CONACULTA). He was a guest lecturer at the International Master’s in Children’s Books and Literature, organised by Venezuela’s Banco del Libro,Barcelona’s Universidad Autónoma, the Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez and the Fundación Santa María. Co-creator of the Latin American Illustration Prize (University of Palermo – Banco Santander – Pequeño Editor), he received the biennale prize IlustrArte in Portugal for the book Rompecabezas. He has won the 2013 New Horizons Prize for the book Diccionario para armar (ediciones CONACULTA) at the Bologna International Book Fair; the Konex CareerI llustration Prize (2002–2012), Buenos Aires; and the 2012 Illustration Prize from the Venezuelan Banco del Libro for the book Candombe fiebre de carnaval. He has also twice won White Ravens, awarded by Munich’s Internationale Jugendbibliothek (2004 and 2011). His books for children and young people have been published in Argentina, Korea, France,Spain, Brazil, Mexico, Germany and Belgium.