Fernando Iwasaki Cauti (Lima, 1961). Writer and historian with a particular interest in cultural studies, with an emphasis on identities, imagined worlds, globalizations, comparative literature and the history of religions. He is the author of over 30 books including works of historical research such as ¡Aplaca, Señor, tu ira! Lo maravilloso y lo imaginario en Lima colonial (Fondo de Cultura Económica), as well as novels, essays, short stories, reportage and compilations of articles. Some of his work, including the book Ajuar funerario (2004), can be read in nine different languages. Recent publications include Brevetes de historia Universal del Perú (Alfaguara), Sevilla, sin mapa (Gong), Nueva Corónica del Extremo Occidente (Universidad Iberoamericana de México) and Mi poncho es un kimono flamenco (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México). He has a doctorate in the History of America, has been awarded the King of Spain Journalism Prize, is a member of the Puerto Rico Academy of the Language, and lectures in Rhetoric at the Universidad Loyola Andalucía.
Photo: © Daniel Mordzinski