(Colombia) Born in Cartagena de Indias on the 4th of May 1948, Burgos Cantor is the son of Roberto Burgos Ojeda, the well-known Cartagena intellectual. He studied at the La Salle de Cartagena school and took a degree in Law from the Universidad Nacional de Bogotá. He became known by contributing to magazines such as Letras Nacionales and Vanguardia, the cultural section of El Siglo, founded by María Mercedes Carranza. In 1971 he won the Jorge Gaitán Durán Competition Prize, awarded by the Cúcuta Instituto de Bellas Artes. He alternates his literary activity with his profession as lawyer: he has been a legal consultant for Legis, general secretary of Focine and currently runs the Oficina Jurídica de la Superintendencia de Notariado y Registro.
© Daniel Mordzinski