(Colombia) Studied Law and Politics at Cartagena University and has a Master’s in Hispanoamerican Literature from the Caro y Cuervo Institute. He is currently doing a doctorate in Literature at Madrid’s Complutense University. He has shown his drawings in solo and group exhibitions and has contributed illustrations to a number of magazines. He won the national poetry prizes awarded by the Asociación de Escritores de la Costa in 1985 and by Colcultura in 1993. He received the Blas de Otero Poetry Prize from Complutense University for his poetry book Muerte y levitación de la ballena (2010). He lectures literature at the University of Cartagena and founded the magazine En tono menor. He has published El oscuro sello de Dios (1988), Lunación del amor (1990), En el traspatio del cielo (1993), Palabra que golpea un color imaginario (1996), La estación de la sed (1998) and Oración del impuro (2004), Sacrificiales (2007), Muerte y levitación de la ballena (2010).